Part 24 🖼

346 19 5

Is that a yes?

It's not a no

Owlworshipper420 :


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I made it.

Ok and?

Aren't you happy for me 😢

Awww bokuto your so smart and hands one wow you got a joint account wow wowkwlwowiwowns d wow 😢😢😢😥🥺🔞😱😱🤔🤔😫😫😫💔😫💔🏫😮☝️😢😢🖼😄⚠️☝️😮😫‼️😄😢

Not cool dude 😕


Go be lovey Dovey or whatever


(Kuroo POV)

Was I in the wrong for being jealous? I mean... he has what I've been wanting for a while.

I sighed

"It's my fault for driving Kenma away."


"Now that i think about it, that fanfic was sort of weird...but really it was more of a planner. A planner of our life together! Yeah that's what that was."

"I should contact him"

After hours of searching the internet I found it I FINALLY FOUND IT !! Now you may be asking, "hey Kuroo what did you find?"

"His instagram !!" I shouted out loud

"Heh, I'd be pretty fit for an FBI agent."

But FBI agents don't normally piss their bed at the age of 17....

Haha I'm so funny neither do I though.

Should I actually text him?

I mean,,,,, he already thinks I'm creepy so it really wouldn't change anything..

The bright screen illuminated my face, the big flashy words that were Kenma's username "applepi" mockingly sat on top of the message button.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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