Part 11 ✨

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Akaashi made his way out the door closing it while he inserted one of his hands in his pockets. He walked down the empty neighborhood looking down at the cracked cement sidewalk. He hummed a peaceful tune whilst he cleared his mind.


After a few minutes of walking down the lonely sidewalk Akaashi had reached an old looking conviene store. He quickly got in avoiding eye contact and any other sort of social contact with the cashier as he rushed to where the drinks were located. He took his time scanning all the different types of variety's until he heard the retching screams of a dying hyena.

"BAHAHAHAHA YOU WERE THE WINGMAN FOR YOUR OWN GIRLFRIEND." The cashier exaggerated into his phone, the customer he was ringing up looked in discomfort.

"No need to be embarrassed, On the bright side you did help a new couple bloom."


"Oh he hung up." The cashier threw his phone into his back pocket and continued ringing up the customer.

"People can't take jokes these days, amaright?" He continued. The customer quickly nodded his head rapidly as he Gathered his items and quickly threw the money at the cash register.

"Wow people are really rude these days."
He moved his eyes around the store until they landed on Akaashi.

Great, he saw me. Please don't talk to me please don't talk to me please don't talk to me-

"Need help deciding? I suggest the strawberry milk, tastes like strawberry." The hyena said as he left the register and paraded towards Akaashi.

Shit really? I thought it was banana flavored.

"Aww man don't look at me like that, you remind me of my future wife." He said now suddenly smitten

Is this dude seriously this open about his life?

"He's so adorable I'm going to make him mine one day, but hey I'm only telling you this because you feel familiar to me, I'm not usually this open to people." He added.

"You're not to bad looking yourself so you'll find someone soon if you don't already have someone."

This dude, is he always this social? How?!!

"If your not interested in anyone I can set you up with a friend, I know many hot singles who's type you would totally be."

Now he just sounds like an ad on an illegal website.

"Hey why don't we take a picture so I can show them how you look like."

He flung his arm around Akaashi and Clasped him close to his body. He pulled out his phone and opened the camera, Akaashi managed to separate himself from the Interloper of his personal space furthermore proceeding to make a run for it.
Phew I thought I wouldn't make it out with my sanity.
Akaashi patted off imaginary dust off of himself and made his way to a local bakery.


After picking up cake Akaashi headed back home, making sure to take the long way to avoid the cashier. He walked for about 15 minutes and managed to make it home without any contact with strangers. When he opened the door he was met with a peculiar scene. Kenma lying on the floor while his mother was jumping with excitement with one of the brightest smiles he's seen since-
"KEIJI YOU WONT BELIEVE IT BUT KENMA HAS A DATE THIS FRIDAY!!" His mother squeaked with happiness.
The rays of happiness almost made him go blind for a moment.
"We have to help him succeed!"
She said still joyfully moving around.
"You don't plan on following them do you?" 
Akaashi asked stoically.
"Nonsense." She said flipping her hand as if trying to get rid of Akaashi's imaginary speech bubble.

"Did Kenma agree to this?"

"He had no reason not to!"


"Is he okay..?"

"Yupp just a litte shocked." She said with a big smile plastered on her face.
"Hey what if I help you get with someone so you guys can go on a double date! I then Kenma won't be so nervous!"

"Not in a million years." He said quickly blocking her intentions.

"Keiji give me grandchildren I not care if they're adopted just let me have the joyy."
She dramatically wiped away her tears while quickly moving and snatching Akaashi's phone.

Akaashi was surprised with her sudden movements giving him no time to react and stop her.

"Mother you're acting like a child, just give me my phone I'll look for someone when I feel ready."

Dejected, Akaashi's mother joined Kenma on the floor. Both laying face flat on the hard floor.
Akaashi looked at them for a moment then went into the kitchen to slice the cake. He cut 3 portions and put there's on the coffe table for when they were done mopping around they could have something to comfort them. He dismissed himself and went up the stairs into his room while nervously holding his plate of cake being careful not to drop it.

He sat down on his bed, finally being able to relax and enjoy his cake, he could hear some movements downstairs probably Kenma leaving he thought.

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