Part 2✌︎

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Akaashi was now waiting for his results, kenma who was also in the same room couldn't have cared less and continued playing whatever he was playing. his head hung off the bed as his were on the bed forming a "p".
"Are you really that nervous?" Asked Kenma
"Ok then."
Right as Kenma finished his sentence Akaashi's phone made a "ding" sound. Akaashi picked up his phone and low and behold it was the tik toker,

Dear, akakeiji69

You have been paired up with owlworshiper420

Have fun! ( ◠‿◠ )


Akaashi scoffed, "what a childish name."


"So who'd you get paired up with?"

"Some guy named littleshogiant." Replied kenma, clearly not interested.

"Are you going to message him?" Akaashi said as he walked up to where kenma was, crouching to see what he was doing on his phone.

"Maybe some other day, right now I need to train for the final boss."

" you're right we don't want to come off as pushy"

" not what I said but go off."
Akaashi decided that conversation with kenma wasn't worth the effort right now. He adored his best friend for always being there for him through tough times and he just wanted the best for Kenma . Kenma, although never showing it also had a brotherly love for Akaashi, thus the only reason he joined the set up was so that Akaashi would be happy that he was socializing for once.

It was the morning of the next day, Akaashi had been awoken by a text. Groggily he picked up his phone, eyes half open checking the notification

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