Part 12 😃

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Owlworshipper420: you there?

Owlworshipper420: you there?

Yeah what's up?-

Can we talk

I think I know where this is heading.
Akaashi thought

Owlworshipper420: yukie broke up with me T_T
- I thought she loved me but she was cheating on me all along T_T
-T_T   T_T   T_T

-was I not good enough? I wish I were Kaori..

- I can see why she would choose her over me, she's very fit and pretty, her hair flows naturally with the current of the wind. She doesn't bother yukie every second of the day, unlike me who would take up all her time so she wouldn't forget me. They're perfect together overall, they have similar interests and you can never get tired of being around with Kaori.

-if I stayed with yukie I probably would have just watch myself get hurt by seeing how perfectly her and Kaori fit together since it was dead obvious.

- I wish I could stay with her, and live the life I planned with her. It's true I was blinded by love and I hate myself for that but, I've got no choice if yukie wants to move on no matter how I feel I'll always want the best for her.
Ahhhh I see, his temporary emo phase is back.

Im sure you were great partner bokuto.-
You'll  find someone better that will see you for you , you'll find your other half soon.

Ah thanks for letting me rant for a bit, I tried to talk to my friend but he only made fun of me for being her accomplice without knowing it.

Np, I don't know much about relationships but I'm happy to help -

Say, have you ever been heartbroken?

Akaashi stopped and reflected, throughout his life he had never had many crushes on anyone. He figured he was gay since he had a crush on a popular boy in the 5th grade but that was as far as he remembered. He quickly shakes the thought out and typed out a response.


Really?!? How?? Everyone has gotten heart broken at least once!

Idk I was never interested in having crushes so it was easy to avoid it ig.-

You're a strange person keiji 😃

Don't call me by my first name-

but i have nothing else to call you (*'ー`*)

Call me Akaashi -

See progress!!

Ig. -

But Akaashi! Are you sure you've never been in love?

Yeah I'm pretty sure -

Owlworshipper420: then... I'll show you how to love!

Is this a confession?!

Ill introduce you to my friends and you tell me if you're interested in any of them!

Oh. It's not.
Slightly deflated  he picked at the crumbs on his plate. Would it be better to learn how to love?  He was scared but intrigued at the idea.

Ok ig -

I would introduce you to my best bachelor but he's to busy planning his wedding with some kid he met on a sidewalk.

- at least he's moving on from his ex. ( ̄∇ ̄)

Yeah good for him -

so do you want one of my friends @?

Shouldn't you talk it over with him first -

Ah sorry my friends calling me!
I'll message you later Kaashi'!
Seen 7:56

Akaashi stood up turning his phone off and placing it on his bedside table. He grabbed his dirty plate and  headed out of his room and made his way downstairs.

He watched his  mom merrily eat a slice of cake while Kenma awkwardly sat across of her with his head down.  Akaashi noticed a slight tint of red on Kenma's cheeks.

This moment had been one of the rare times that Akaashi witnessd Kenma blush.


After Kenma had smittenly gone home, Akaashi's mom has headed out to treat herself since she had "done something good today." That left Akaashi home alone again. Without anything to do Akaashi was only able to come up with one cure to his boredom. Calling one of his only friends. Bokuto. Without hesitation he grabbed his phone to check if he was online. His mom usually spent the night with a friend whenever she'd have some her time so Akaashi was free to talk on the phone without interruptions.

Not to his surprise bokuto was online. Keiji cliched the FaceTime option and waited for him to pick up.
This would be the first time we talk through a call. Hopefully it doesn't surprise him to much, I just wanted to initiate something in our friendship.

After what felt like years, Akaashi heard a voice on the other line.



Ajsjdjd thank you guys for 1k readssss! I never thought people would actually read this but thank you!!!!

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