Spoiler of an Unknown Chapter

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A/N: Just as what the title says, this Chapter today is just a sneak speak and a spoiler that I've been mulling over.

This is just actually a last minute type since it's currently almost bed time for me and our Internet's still getting fixed. So since I'm going to be out for a few weeks, I'll be cruel and hung all of you to anticipation for the later chapters 😆


Oh Naruto was expecting this one, but she didn't know it would be this soon.

The blonde woman wore an amused smile, standing at the sidelines, as Tsunade viciously glare at a sweating Jiraiya with an amused Orochimaru and Sandaime watching it unfold.

The orange book innocently laying on top if the desk was the reason for all of everyone's actions.

This was the day Icha Icha was born.

Tsunade raised a fist threateningly at a cowering Jiraiya, "If you weren't really needed for this mission right now you moron I would have blasted you out of Konoha ages ago!", The Senju roared towards the Toad Sage.

Squeaking, Jiraiya duck his bead behind an annoyed Orochimaru, "Come now Hime, there's nothing wrong with a little bit of fun read every now and then."


The Toad Sage was successful enough to dodge the chair thrown at his way.

Letting out an amused snort, Naruto tilted slightly at the sideways with her right hand on her hip, "Why am I not surprised Ero-Baka."

Jiraiya pouted as he looked towards the older blonde, "Come on Naru-chan, tell Hime that there's nothing wrong with it."

Naruto shrugged her shoulders and actually agreed, "It might actually be useful if I let Sasuke Teme read it. It might probably remove the stick up his ass."

Tsunade, at first looked on in horror at her friend at the fact she agreed with Jiraiya's perverted fantasies, but looked on in curiosity once the name of the rumored Rogue Uchiha came to pass from her.

"Wait, so it's really true?", Jiraiya poked his head out of his hiding from behind an also curious Orochimaru as he Tsunade asked her question, "That rumored Uchiha is really your fiance?!!"

It was impossible! At the first glimpse Tsunade caught sight of Sasuke Uchiha, the Senju immediately formulated the fact that the Uchiha is probably the most cold looking Uchiha she had met, and that's saying something seeing that the Uchihas permanent bitch face is the classic "Emotionless Cold" look.

And with just how sunshine and rainbows Naruto is, them being together is majority impossible. It's like your saying water and fire can be mixed together.

Hiruzen puffed smoke out of his pipe and stayed silent as his students interrogate Naruto. He already had his conversation with the Uchiha, and was left satisfied with the answers.

Naruto grinned brightly at Tsunade, "Impossible right?! I mean, we tried to kill each other one too many times that I last count-"

'They did what now?!!'

"And called each other names that led to other death matches then one time he stabbed me almost at my heart and I almost killed him by accidentally blasting off a Rasenshuriken", Naruto continued listing off too many incidents synonym to trying to murder each other, uncaring to the paled looks the three Sannin's sported.

Just how the hell did these two messed up people end up together?!!

"What kind of f*cked up relationship do you both have?", Orochimaru couldn't help but deadpan.

"Orochimaru", Hiruzen admonished his student from his question, but all the Snake Sannin did was shrug his shoulders uncaringly.

Snorting, Naruto answered in a deadpan, "Were both emotionally stunted people with a major severe case of PTSD and a fucked up childhood from the start."

"... Oh", Jiraiya voiced out first.

Naruto shrugged her shoulders, "Yeah, we're both not alright in the head."

The four occupants of the Hokage Office stared at her.

No shit.

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