Lose Yourself

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A continuation of the last chapter... 

Alura, J'onn, Barry, and Kara stopped at the porch of Patricia's house.

"Patricia Arias, we need to talk to you," Kara said loudly as she knocked on the door.

They waited for a few seconds and there was no answer, J'onn checked his watch.

"Let's go," He whispered, he looked at Alura and nodded. Alura phased through the door and unlocked it, she was in normal clothes along with J'onn, only Barry and Kara were in their respective suits.

Alura opened the door to let them in.

"Mrs. Arias?" J'onn asked.

"Francis Pierce, I told you that the next time I caught you looking in my house for pills, I was gonna put a hole through your thieving hand!" Patricia yelled as she stomped up to the living room and cocked her shotgun. She was surprised to find Supergirl and the Flash with wide eyes along with Alura and J'onn.

"Supergirl... And the Blur?" Patricia asked.

"We're sorry if we startled you, Mrs. Arias. This is John Jones and Sharon Carter from the FBI," Alura motioned to both of them.

"We're taking you to a safe place Mrs. Arias, because we believe that Reign is on her way here," Alura told her.

"Which means this house isn't safe, so we need your cooperation, you need to come with us," J'onn told her.

"She's her, isn't she?" Patricia tiredly said, she looked at Supergirl.

"My Sam is Reign," She concluded.

Kara looked surprised.

"How did you know?" She asked.

Patricia led them to Sam's old room.

"I, uh... I never told her where she was from, I... I just wanted her to be normal, and then when she was ten, she started doodling all over her books. It was like something inside of her just needed to get out, and I punished her for it. I tore up her pages," Patricia said sadly.

Then Patricia ripped some wallpaper and showed them the World Killer sign that Sam drew when she was 10, Kara gasped.

"So she drew it on the wall to spite me. When I saw the same mark all over the news, I knew," Patricia told them.

"And you didn't think in telling us?!" Alura said loudly.

"All I ever wanted was to protect her. That's all I ever wanted," She said sadly.

"Well when we bury things, they come at you even harder," Patricia continued, Kara looked at Alura, Harry said something about her planning something, she still didn't understand what, but she will ask her once this is over.

"What Sam's become has nothing to do with the way she was raised," Barry assured her.

"I was an awful mother, I kicked her out. I mean I've never even met my granddaughter," Patricia told them, letting a few tears fall.

"We need to get you out of here before she arrives," J'onn told her again.

"No, if she's coming here, I wanna be here when she does. I kicked her out when I should have helped her. I am not gonna turn away from her now," Patricia said firmly.


Barry walked into the kitchen where Kara was. He smiled at his girlfriend, she was chewing on her bottom lip thinking about something.

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