Gone Rogue

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A trio of villains unleashes havoc while team Flash struggles to track Devoe. Kara is conflicted about whether to help her team or to stay and look for their lost daughter. 

Alura's lightning trail could be seen lighting up the dark city as she sped into G. Simone and Associates building. She phased through the walls and into the record rooms. 

"EDEN, scan the drivers for blueprints from McCulloch Technologies," Alura ordered.

"Right away, Miss Allen."


Alura smiled as she quickly downloaded the drives and the blueprints to one of McCulloch Technologies' most top-secret blueprints for their special weapons lab. Once Alura got what she wanted she burnt the computer with her heat vision, making it explode. She then sped towards the site, she skidded to a halt.

"EDEN, give me an infiltration analysis."

"Yes, Miss Allen. The odds of accessing this location without exposing your true identity are slim, shall I send a request to your father perhaps?"

"No, EDEN. I need people who can actually help me," Alura said firmly and stormed off in a trail of red and pink lightning.


There was an abandoned warehouse in which Alura decided to set up shop. She had heard of these rogues before, they could help her. She had to stay under Devoe's radar, the less he knew about her the better. This is why she took the precaution of involving partners, and plus, what better way to double-cross someone by working alongside them, she'd be helping her father by turning them in to the police after they were done. Alura flared her nostrils as she blinked back fresh tears, she didn't need to prove anything to her father. He wouldn't think for a second before sending her back into the future again. 

Alura heard voices outside of the warehouse, they were here, the rogues were here. She used her supervision to look outside and saw both Weather Witch and Queen Bee meeting each other. 

"So, do you know why she wanted to recruit us?" Queen Bee asked.

Suddenly the top came off of a box, bones were heard cracking and squishing, Rag Doll came out of the box and crawled towards both women. 

"Rag Doll, right? You blew up the Seaver building. Bee-utiful," Queen Bee complimented.

"And who do I thank for my mysterious invitation?" Rag Doll purred.

"I got an anonymous offer too, this wasn't your job?" Weather Witch asked Queen Bee.

"I thought this was your job," Queen Bee said.

Alura found her perfect queue to appear. She opened the door and stepped into the warehouse. 

"Actually, I invited you," Alura told them.

"You want us to work for you?" Weather Witch asked in denial.

"Exactly that. It will be one big score that will be split 3 ways, I have no need of the cash," Alura told them.

"What's the catch, twinkle toes?" Queen Bee asked her mockingly.

"No catches, no tricks. Just a job, it doesn't matter who we have to subdue or kill, are you with me?" Alura asked.

"What's the job?" Weather Witch asked.

Alura smiled and led them inside another room, she decided not to tell them too much about her powers, otherwise, they'd question why she even hired them. The less they knew about the better. 

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