Where was Harry?

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Another filler chapter, you know it's gonna be a crack chapter. 

Barry sped out of STAR Labs, Caitlin returned to the Cortex.

"Hey, Cisco do you know where Harry is?"

"I have no idea," He responded.

"Isn't he on Earth-2?" Ralph told him.

"Well if he was he would have been here by now, I wonder where he is," Cisco said.

Meanwhile on Earth-38

Harry opened a breach from Earth-2 and hopped out to Earth-38. He was one step closer to finding Alura's secret but he got distracted. He couldn't shake off the feeling that he should call Lena, I mean she did give him her number.

He was thinking intently when he bought a cup of coffee from a nearby stand, it was a rainy day in National City. Harry thank the cashier and started to walk out when a woman across from him slipped on a puddle, he dropped his coffee and caught her. He was then staring into the green eyes of Lena Luthor, who had happened to be there.

"Oh! Harry what a surprise! What are you doing here?"

"I uh-" Harry swallowed a lump in his throat as flashbacks raced in his mind about her doppelganger, who was Jesse's mom and his old wife.

"Are you okay?" Lena told him, Harry still had his arms wrapped around her waist, Lena settled her hands on his shoulders.

"Yeah, yeah I am... Now that your here," He said, his grey eyes meeting her vibrant green ones. He snapped out of it and pulled her off of the street and into one of the stores. They shook off the excess water from their coats, Lena's hair was a little damp and a few strands were in her face, Harry pushed them back into place.

"Well, where have you been?" Lena asked, she was slightly sad that he hadn't called her from the Christmas party a few weeks ago.

"I-I'm sorry Lena, I just... I had a lot to do with my company and I was helping someone..."

"The Blur?" Lena asked, arching an eyebrow, Harry looked confused.

"I saw you enter the DEO after supergirl was injured, I assume you know Supergirl as well?"

Harry nodded.

"Let's not talk about it here it's not safe."

"Okay then, where would we talk?"

"Maybe at your place, over a cup of coffee."

"You read my mind, Doctor Wells," Lena told him, she had seen his face before... Somewhere but she couldn't remember where...

Lena led Harry out the door and into the streets, they called a cab and Lena told them to drive them to her apartment in the city.

Alura looked from above, having watched and heard their interaction, she smiled to herself as Harry was now distracted, now she could operate more freely without the threat of exposure. She flew down into the city, her spirit renovated after her talk with her boyfriend Steve Olsen.

Barry sped into a breach, he took Caitlin's advice and decided to go visit Kara. He sped into her apartment which was empty.

"Surprise Kara! It's your favorite speedster boyfriend, Barry!" He called throughout the empty apartment, he went towards the bedroom and looked into the room.

"Kara?" He asked into the empty space.

 He found nothing, he went towards the kitchen and looked around, there he found a note on the fridge.

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