Chapter 1

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This is the intro chapter for a smut series , but this chapter itself doesn't have any smut in it!
Enjoy and please give me feedback!

"I can just lay down her- Ah, oh.... Thank you..." Ouma winced slightly as he was placed on the bed rather artlessly, bouncing a bit as the sickness inside his head sloshed around at the movement. Every single shift made his pounding head and winded body throb in pain, like he was being shook back and forth violently at the most banal motions.

He couldn't blame his help though, Saihara looked equally as tired himself once Ouma was off of his arm and safely on the bed. Ouma had practically put all of his weight on him, what little of it there was, for half of the trek to the nurse's office after all. The other boy sat down in the chair opposite him, and let out a huff, his head hung lightly and his hat covering his eyes so Ouma could not see what his expression fully was.

"Um-I'm sorry, you really didn't have to help me like that Saihara-kun..." The sheets were cold against Ouma's palms, and it felt soothing, but his anxiety forced his hands into his lap as he balled them together.

"And leave you laying on the ground? I don't think so..." He was definitely sucking in big gasps of air between his words, and the sounds made Ouma's fingers curl together even tighter in shame. To go through all of that trouble for Ouma...

"It's alright, Ouma-kun, just focus on feeling better, okay?" Saihara looked up with his smile, that smile, and Ouma felt his vision almost lessen as it made his already uneven heartbeat slip. Focus on what?

When Saihara had found Ouma laying face first on the unforgiving tile of the 4th floor hallway, he honestly thought the boy was dead. I mean, that was the only explanation, right? Everyone else had to have seen his collapsed body, and rushed to get help.

It was the middle of the day, and even though classes were in session, there were students idling through the hallways for one reason or another. In fact, there were two strolling slowly around the corner and out of sight just ahead of Saihara and the body on the floor. They had to have seen him then, there was no doubt about it, yet they were moving as if there was nothing disturbing about the scene, like they had seen nothing but a normal hallway.

When Saihara rolled his limp body over, he discovered that he was not in fact dead, but flushed and hot with heavy breathing and an obvious fever. His eyes opened deliriously, and his hoarse throat attempted to squeak out what sounded like his savior's name, but ultimately failed.

Without wasting time, Saihara managed to get him to his feet, and to the nurse's office without too much of a hassle. Saihara was healthy, but he was nowhere near strong enough to support another person's body weight. Luckily, in the twisted situation at least, Ouma was perhaps the smallest boy in the entire school, making it slightly more manageable for his aid. He could explain to his homeroom teacher later why his bathroom break had taken thirty minutes as opposed to three, and if push came to shove he could grab a note from the nurse.

Halfway through their trek, Ouma had become conscious again, able to lift his feet and speak. Once he could open his dry and crusted lips, all that pushed past them were endless apologies.

"S-aiha-ra-kun?" His words were broken at first, lifting his wide, violet eyes to look up at the boy heaving him along with a concentrated face.

"O-Ouma-kun? Are you feeling okay?" Saihara thought about stopping, as he glanced down at Ouma, but decided the quicker they got to a bed the better. That was a weird way to phrase that.

"I-I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! I'm-" Ouma attempted to pull his arm off of Saihara's shoulder, where he had it wrapped around and carrying most of his weight, and it only managed to slip from Saihara's grasp in a moment of surprise. "I didn't mean to trouble you like- Aa-!"

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