Chapter 4

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"I like you, Saihara-kun." The words didn't seem to visibly penetrate Saihara at all, so Ouma continued, though shakily. "W-Whatever you consider yourself to be, I'll like. I mean- Whatever you want to be, I'll like that person."

Though his hands were clammy, and shaking still, Ouma reached out and let his fingers brush over the top of the pale hand resting on Saihara's lap. He could never bring himself to hold his hand, but he hoped the touch was enough, knowing it sent electricity shooting up his arm himself.

"Whatever you want to do, I'll like, and I'll do it with you... I-I hope that makes sense."

It didn't even make sense in Ouma's mind, to like a person but to also like that person if they were to change. Physicality wasn't even an issue in it, but if the entire concept of the person you held dear was flipped on its head, how could you still love them? And yet, Ouma knew he would. The proof was right there.

Perhaps if he hadn't known the truth about what was dwelling in Saihara's mind before, maybe that would have shocked him enough to reconsider his feelings.

But then again, he was struck with the thought that it would have changed absolutely nothing.

Ouma began to pull his hand away, afraid if he kept it there anymore he would be intruding into a space he wasn't welcome. Afterall, Saihara hadn't even returned his feelings, it was just his own selfish want to touch him that propelled him forward. But before he could retreat, he found himself unable to, the other quickly wrapping his hand entirely around his thin wrist and keeping him in place.


His hand was lifted out of his gaze before his eyes could follow it, and he felt something warm and wet press against the underside of his wrist, the sensitive skin feeling every ridge and groove of whatever was against it. The wetness began to move upward, leaving a cold chill behind as Ouma shakily brought his eyes up.

Saihara was licking up his wrist, his tongue leaving a glossy trail as it creeped up the skin and to his hand. Ouma was too shocked to even respond, and by the time Saihara reached the groove where they met, Ouma had not made a single noise other than a high-pitched sort of unbelieving whine.

"You say some really crazy things, Ouma-kun."

Ouma was trembling when Saihara put his tongue back into his mouth, as if he had not done something even crazier than anything Ouma had confessed. He kept Ouma's hand near his face, and it rested against his cheek and a grin began to spread across them.

"They're kind of cute, though."


"S-Saihara-ku- Ah!" Ouma couldn't finish what he began to say, which was probably a good thing because he really had no idea what it was going to be, before he was pushed onto his back, landing on the squeaking bed with a small noise of discomfort. The sudden movement made him lose his vision momentarily, immediately reminding him how sickly he actually felt, but without anything to do to help himself.

When his vision returned, speckled in black and white at the edges, he saw Saihara on top of him, looking down with the same smirk he had when he had marked him before, the memory of his tongue on Ouma's wrist feeling weirdly arousing. Ouma pulled his legs together, clutching his knees turned inward as Saihara's body loomed over him and the other began to laugh.

"Then... You'd be okay with having sex with me? No, you said you would like anything I want to do. So you would like having sex with me..?" There he went saying that 'S' word again, Ouma had tried his hardest to forget about those sentences before, because he wasn't sure his body or mind could handle it, but it was pressing up against him now with no escape as Saihara grinned over him.

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