Chapter 6 (end)

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It was surprisingly easy to remove his pants, they were too baggy and slid off of Ouma like they never belonged on him in the first place. His underwear proved more trouble, they were the tight type and Ouma began squirming away when he reached them, but like everything else, they gave way underneath his fingers.

"W-What are you-? Aya-!" Ouma squeaked as he was fully exposed on the bottom, only his school shoes and knee-high socks that usually remained hidden covering him now. Saihara tossed the clothing to the floor carelessly, instead opting to plant his hands on Ouma's thin thighs, wrenching them apart easily as they faltered as if they had no muscles in them at all.

Placing Ouma's calves on his shoulders, he reached down for his own zipper and undid it, pulling down his pants until his erection sprung free.

"No way... N-No way, what are you doing, Saihara-kun?!" Ouma covered his eyes immediately with both hands, unable to look at what was in front of him despite having already accidentally seen it, the image of Saihara's dick now burned into his mind.

"...I wonder just how much you can handle, Ouma-kun." Leaning forward, Saihara's breath was quick and excited, digging his nails into the white fabric of Ouma's socks as he kept them planted atop his shoulders. "I wonder how much pain a masochist like you can handle?"

"Ah, it gets me excited thinking about it."

It wasn't a lie, Saihara's erection was full-on and begging for relief. Almost like they moved on their own, his hips pressed forward and he lined up his cock with Ouma's smaller one, the other twitching in response.

"I wonder if you'd still cum if I tore you to pieces. Hey, do you think you'd be able to cum? Do you think you'd cum if I broke you?" Saihara began moving, rubbing up against the other's oversensitive member with vigor, the saliva and precum making it wet and slippery.

"I- don't know, I don't u-understand anything you're saying-!" Ouma's hips were wiggling in overstimulation, still covering his eyes as a weird pleasure mixed with pain built up inside of him.

"Huh, but you're the one that said you liked the real me? Were you lying to me Ouma-kun?" Saihara let out small erotic noises between each of his thrusts, unable to contain the gratification he felt.

"It wasn't a lie! I like you, I like you, Saihara-kun! Please, please believe me! Hiie-!" Squealing slightly, Ouma's whole body shuddered violently, writhing as his overstimulated cock found no relief. "It hurts!"

"Ahaha! That's nice, Ouma-kun! That's the spirit!" Saihara lifted the small legs from his shoulders and pressed them together, twisting Ouma's position so they landed sideways on the bed and his dick was sandwiched between the soft skin of his thighs. Quicker, he began fucking between Ouma's thighs, still sliding against the other boy's dick as it continued to get harder despite having just cum.

Ouma gasped and uncovered his face at the switch, a bad move, as he caught Saihara's eyes and saw the drool running from the other's mouth and the lust radiating from his gaze. Before he could say anything, two hands were on his throat, immediately squeezing the air from his windpipe harshly.

"Hrck!" A strained sound slipped past his lips as the hold tightened, the more excited Saihara got, the stronger it became.

On instinct, his hands grappled at the ones strangling his neck, but his weak fingers were nothing against Saihara's sheer enjoyment. But the more he felt his blood restrict, the more it rushed to his lower-half for some reason, throbbing achingly each time Saihara's cock rubbed up against it.

'What's happening to me? It hurts, I'm scared, I'm scared I'm gonna die but... But it feels good...' Ouma had trouble maintaining a straight line of thought as the pounding in his head got louder with each second he was denied air. Tears began slipping from his eyes at a constant pace, covering his face as he looked up at Saihara's looming over him.

Seeing the look in his eyes, Ouma knew Saihara could kill him. There wasn't a doubt in his mind, the way his fully blown pupils looked down at him madly showed no regret or remorse. But... Why did he not care?

'That's right, Saihara-kun would never kill me. He told me he couldn't leave me alone, that means he would never...' There was something comforting in that thought, and in the haze of it all, Ouma began to smile, a small curl of his lips surprising the boy hovering above him.

'And, besides, if it were Saihara-kun that killed me, then I wouldn't mind.'

"Leave it to someone like you to- Ah, to smile during this...!" Saihara seemed both enraged and delighted at this, the sound of his skin slapping against Ouma's increasing as his speed picked up until his whole lower body burned. That face, that face, that face!

Ouma felt like he was going to vomit, and he tried to swallow on instinct, which was a mistake, as it only caused Saihara to choke him harder. His neck was pressed firmly against the bed as the pale fingers continued to strangle him at a deadly pace now, his face going from flushed to completely vivid red and purple.

"Listen, Ouma-kun, i-if you show that face to anyone else... I'll make sure they never see you again." Was he being protective of Ouma? Maybe even, jealous? Ouma's heart soared at the words, his smile never faltering as it sat placidly on his face angelically. He had never been happier in his entire life, than he was now, close to cumming as Saihara choked him harmfully.

"If you really like me, then you have to give yourself to me completely!"

Ouma's mouth opened as no air entered, almost like a gasping fish left on the surface to die. But instead of trying to breathe, he was trying to speak.

"O-nl-y... Sai-hara-kun's..." He managed to let out his true feelings before he came, his body shuddering as his fingertips felt cold against the sheets. Did it even feel good? Well, it wasn't like he could feel much now anyway. The only warmth he needed was the hot burning in his chest he knew was from understanding Saihara's feelings. He felt true bliss.

His consciousness began to slip as the edges of his vision went white, then red, then black, framing the face of his love as it faded until it was only a tunnel. Feeling Ouma's cum splatter against him, and seeing the way his vision went from clear to utterly faded and clouded with demise and euphoria tipped Saihara over the edge, letting out a small yell as he released himself between Ouma's pale thighs.

By the time he freed Ouma's throat, lamenting the loss of his pulsating life under his fingers, the other was only able to inhale deeply until he was coughing violently. His face was stained with tears and snot as his chest expanded unevenly in an attempt to take in as much air as possible.

Through it all, he blinked away the water from his eyes, and smiled up at Saihara.

He then fell asleep with the same smile on his face, or more correctly passed out, half naked body sprawled on the bed carelessly. Saihara watched him with hands lifted slightly, his eyes wide as he questioned genuinely if he had actually killed the boy that just confessed his love to him. What had he just done? It was difficult to even remember once the high of the domination left him.

But Ouma was still breathing, just asleep. Well, being sick did that to people, didn't it? At least, that was what he could tell the nurse when she asked.

He'd have to redress him somehow, but that shouldn't be too difficult. Ouma was built like a twig, a doll easy to undress and redress with little effort no doubt. But more importantly...

Looking to his side, Saihara saw the Monokuma plush on his back, grinning both unassumingly and violently up at him without stopping.

Saihara wondered what other things he could think up to do with with Ouma...

Oh well, he'll think about this later.

I'm ending the story here because I don't have plot ideas anymore! Hopefully this wasn't too bad (im very proud ehehe)

Thanks to my friends for helping me write this!

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