Chapter 5

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Saihara smashed their lips together when Ouma never responded, the leftover smear of the blood causing a tang to tickle across the other boy's lips. Ouma whimpered slightly, as Saihara didn't hesitate in forcing his mouth open, his tongue sliding inside like an oppressive and warm explorer.

"A-Ah, hah, Sa-ihara-" Ouma panted out between the times their lips slammed together, a small line of drool sliding out of the side of his mouth and dropping onto his trembling hand that tried to keep him upright.

Saihara trailed his hand passed Ouma's cheek, feeling him shiver in response, his fingers passing by his tendril-like hair and sliding down his neck to the injury he had caused. Pressing two fingers into it, he felt blood leak out, staining his fingers and the inside of Ouma's loose uniform, and making the other suck in a breath of air, sounding wet against their shared spit.

Pulling his hand back out, Saihara backed away from the kiss for a moment, hearing the disappointed noise Ouma made in the back of his throat, before he quickly filled his mouth again with his fingers. Ouma's eyes went wide at the bloody taste, and the erotic feeling of Saihara's fingers stretching out his mouth. The spit and blood dribbled from his bottom lip and coated it until the pink skin shone, his tongue cautiously pressing against the digits that nudged against it.

"Well, how does it taste?" Saihara questioned, and Ouma felt violated as the taste trickled down his throat without him swallowing, his esophagus closing slightly but not succeeding in stopping the vulgar liquid from dripping into his upset stomach.

"I-I don-'t knyow-" He tried to talk around the fingers but it came out like a wet, jumbled mess.

Saihara's head was swimming with arousal and some sort of new emotion, something he had never felt reach the surface before. Like it was pushing hateful, dominant words to his lips that had been sitting dormant, only circling around his thoughts and imagination. Almost like he was entering another space entirely, snapping into another person.

Or more accurately, morphing into his true self.

"It's a mark from the person you like, right? So, you should be happy, right?" Without warning, he shoved his fingers back, deeper into Ouma's mouth until they scratched at his throat. It made the other retch, his eyes going wide as Saihara could feel the physical reaction, the soft, vulnerable skin of his throat clenching around him.

"Go ahead, smile! You should be happy, so smile!" This was messed up. He sounded so deranged. But he couldn't control it, Ouma really was easy to bully. At least, this time, he knew it would make the other happy.

"Hck-!" Ouma retched again, his vision shaking as he attempted to keep himself from vomiting, the only thing saving him being the utter emptiness of his stomach already. Shakily, his lips pulled upward, smiling through the pain as he tried to breath heavily through his nose.

He looked up at Saihara through his tears, his weak smile causing the other to feel a deep satisfaction that only caused his erection to throb more. If he had a choice, he could just look at that site forever, the mix of agony and trust on his face, his love truly shining through with his complete obedience.

But he wanted more, he knew he could play with Ouma more, break him more, why settle for just this? Pulling his hand from his mouth, he wiped the coat of saliva on the sheets as Ouma coughed violently, clutching at his throat with one hand.

"A-Ah-" Ouma tried to speak, but all that came out was a broken crackle. He became genuinely afraid somehow his voice box had broken, but he coughed before he could try again, still able to taste the iron in his sore throat.

Even more than that, he couldn't get the taste of Saihara off his lips. They had actually kissed... his head was pounding at the memory, a finger tracing his wet lips as he tried to convince himself that it was all real.

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