Chapter two

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I had a terrible sleep, even worse than the previous night. I tossed and turned, unable to stop going over everything in my mind. At the first hint of sunrise I sat up and leaned back against the tree, giving up on the idea of sleep completely. I could see Ayol sat by the fire which was small now, but the embers still glowed deep crimson. They must have taken turns to keep watch during the night. There was no chance of me or Thaniel - who had been left to sleep in a similar fashion to me - escaping, so what were they watching out for?

When he realised I wouldn't be going back to sleep he came over. I could see his face properly now in the grey light of the morning. He was beautiful. Perhaps not as dazzlingly handsome as Garrett on first appearances, but a more uncommon and complex beauty. He had a strong jaw and chiselled face but these were tempered by full lips and soulful eyes. Eyes that were brown, but bright, like two discs of fiery russet against his tanned skin. He gave me a small sympathetic smile, not quite showing his teeth, and undid the rope that was tethering me to the tree without saying a word. He held my wrist lightly as he led me to the other side of fire, so that we wouldn't disturb the others who were still sleeping.

'Did you sleep well?' he asked, turning towards me.

'No,' I replied in a huff.

'Do you want some kohi? And something to eat?'

I was starving. 

'Yes,' I said quietly. 'Please,' I added grudgingly. He looked surprised, perhaps he was expecting me to refuse the offer like I had last night.

I sat and observed him while he crouched beside the fire, making the drink. He was dressed all in black, but I could see now that the clothes were well made, with panels of leather on the chest and arms for protection while fighting. There was something expensive about the cut, the way the top showcased his muscular chest and the trousers hugged around his thick thighs, they must have been tailor made. It wasn't what I expected for a bandit or a gangster or whatever he was. I could see at least two daggers in his belt as well as a sword, bow and quiver full of arrows propped against a tree nearby – the amount of weapons he had was less surprising.

'Are you going to watch me the entire time?' he asked out of the blue, locking eyes with me.

Not shying away from his intense gaze I kept my eyes on his. 'You've watched me since I was brought here,' I said, putting on a show of fake confidence.

'True. But I haven't worked you out yet. And you might try to run.'

'And what might you do?' I asked, boldly.

'Not what you're thinking. No-one will touch you while you're with us,' he said, sincerely.

I looked at him unsure. His expression softened a little and he smiled at me. There was an air of a predator about him, the way he was grinning at me, the intensity of his stare, like he was taking in my whole being with his gaze, sizing me up and working out how best to devour me. My insides felt like there were on fire.

He returned to make the drinks. I stopped watching him then, and looked into the trees to give me enough distance from him to compose myself. When I'd steadied myself I looked back at him. 'Can you untie my hands?' I asked, 'even if it's just while I eat?'

He knelt in front of me and took one of the daggers from his belt. I flinched automatically as he reached out for my hands, but he simply held them still while he sliced through the rope in one smooth motion. Then he took each of my wrists in turn and inspected them, his rough fingers caressing the skin that was pink where the rope had rubbed. I shuddered at his touch.

'Does it hurt?' he asked, a look of concern on his face.

'What do you care?' I said, pulling my hands out of his grasp and back into myself, defensively. In truth I would have trembled at his touch even if my wrists weren't sore.

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