Chapter nineteen

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When I woke I was in the bed. Delicate wisps of daylight were creeping into the room through the shutters, I could see the dust dancing in the stripes of light. The sheets beneath me were damp and clammy, sticking to my skin as I turned to the side. Ayol was to the left of me, dozing in a chair peacefully, his head gently lolling to one side. The waves of his hair tumbled over his face, masking it like a curtain. I watched his chest rise and fall slowly as he slept. For a moment everything else that had happened was lost, and I was back in the room with him when we'd first arrived in Qren. Then I remembered.

The backs of my arms stuck to the soggy fabric as I tried to push myself up on the bed. It was a huge effort. My whole body ached. I gave up and sunk back down onto the moist sheets, letting out a defeated whine. Ayol stirred and bolted upright when he realised I was awake. He leaned over and put his hand on my forehead, then on my cheek before smiling at me watery-eyed.

'Why are you here?' I asked, breathless with the effort of speaking.

'Do you remember being at the cemetery with me? Do you remember Lorian falling ill?' He looked nervous as he asked, and relieved when I nodded. 'I took Lorian to...where I live.' He spoke cautiously, waiting to see if I would react. I didn't, I wanted to hear what he had to tell me. 'I asked the others to look after him. We've all had the fever before. Most people here have had it, well most people who've lived in the poorer areas. It doesn't affect you badly when you're younger but in adults it's quick and brutal and often fatal. Then I came here to check on you. I should never have left you at the cemetery. Pattie wouldn't let me in at first, so I asked her to go and check on you while I waited outside. She came running back down saying you were unconscious. She let me come up to the room with her and I found you collapsed on the floor. I've been here since. There's nothing you can do to treat the fever, you have to just let it run its course, and hope.'

'Lorian,' I asked urgently, 'is he?'

'He woke yesterday. Garrett came to tell me in the afternoon. He survived.' His face hardened just a touch as he spoke.

'How long has it been?'

'Four days.'

Four days? I'd been unconscious for four days. My mind ticked over it, processing what had happened. He went to the bathroom and I heard him filling a jug with water. I'd been asleep for four days? No wonder I felt so groggy. Summoning all my energy I sat up on the edge of the bed, pushing off the tacky covers and feeling the cool air on my skin. I was wearing a loose fitting linen shirt I didn't recognise. Wisps of cotton tickled my arms, it looked like the sleeves had been torn off. Ayol came back into the room and deposited the jug of water on the small wooden table by the bed before returning to his seat. He was dressed in black trousers and white shirt, unbuttoned with the sleeves rolled up, revealing his tanned, taught torso.

'How are you feeling?' he asked, leaning forward so that he was perched on the edge of his chair.

'Very tired, and drained. I remember coming back here. I tried to burn my clothes like you said, but I felt so weak and dizzy by then.'

'I know,' he said softly, 'you listened to my instructions for once.' His lips twitched at the sides. He was so handsome, even when he looked tired and unkempt he was achingly beautiful. I glanced down to my knees, unable to handle looking him in my weakened state, scared that I'd give in to him. I was confronted with the unfamiliar linen shirt.

'What am I wearing?' I asked, confused.

He smiled sympathetically. 'My shirt, I cut the arms off. I'm sorry. You needed to stay cool, and I didn't think you'd want to be naked in front of me.' The smile dropped from his face as he continued. 'Not now, anyway. Garrett brought clean clothes and food, not that I needed the food with Pattie fussing over us both. She'll be happy to know you're awake.' He offered me the cup of water, keeping his hand close as I took a few sips, waiting to catch it in case I dropped it, then placed it back down on the table for me.

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