Chapter seventeen

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I left my room at midnight, as she'd instructed. I hung back by the blue front door, not knowing which direction to go in. It was quiet in the street, I watched the flame of the street lamp flicker violently, as if someone was trying to blow it out. As I watched the flame solidify I felt the urge to turn right and head towards the walls of the city. I walked as if I was in a trance, oblivious to the nocturnal activities of the shaded city.

I reached the edge of the city, blocked from leaving by the thick, impenetrable walls that encased it. I followed them round, circling the perimeter like a caged animal. I knew I needed to cross through to the other side, I could feel it, like a compulsion. I kept going until I found a small archway. It looked like the stone had crumbled with wear and had then been chipped away to form a makeshift passage to the outside world. I crawled through it, feeling the damp stone brush my shoulders as I squeezed through. On the other side it was even quieter, eerily so. I stood and bathed in the moonlight, taking in the crisp air. It wasn't quite a full moon, but it shone bright in the starless sky.

I continued, feeling a pull into the forest. I remembered emerging from there only a few days before. It felt like that had been a lifetime ago. I pictured myself weak and soggy, being led by Ayol. That Odella was a different person. I was stronger now. Stronger and wiser. That Odella was scared in the forest by herself, but here I was, independent and capable, about to meet my equals. I delved deeper into the forest, where the trees were gnarled and ancient, until I could see a woman in the clearing ahead of me. As I drew closer I could see another woman, and another, five of them. All wearing long, pale dresses. They hadn't noticed me yet, so I advanced towards them.

I heard the crunch of branches to my right, an animal perhaps. I couldn't make anything out amidst the darkness of the trees. I turned back towards the women. They were stood in a line, the white fabric of their clothing was illuminated in the moonlight which seemed brighter in the clearing. I recognised the woman from earlier second from the right. They all seemed to be looking towards something, but I couldn't see what. One of the women stepped forward suddenly, away from the others.

'I know you're there. Show yourself,' she announced, clearly. I was wearing my green coat, with the hood still pulled up over my hair. I put my hands on the soft velvet to reveal my face when a figure stepped into the clearing, right into her path. It was a man, dressed all in black. He had his back to me but I didn't need to see his face to know that it was Ayol. He stepped back from her and she folded over, dropping to the floor in a heap. I heard someone scream no. Ayol turned in my direction. I realised the scream had come from me. I turned to flee but I thudded into a body blocking my path. I staggered backwards, startled from the impact, and felt something wet on my coat. I put my hand on it, it was a thick, gloopy liquid. I held my hand out to look at it in the moonlight, it was blood. It was only then that I felt the sharp pain in my stomach. He hadn't stabbed me, I'd run straight into his knife. I turned back towards the women in the clearing and felt something cold against my throat as a strong arm immobilised me. I could see that another of the women was on the ground now, a pool of red oozing from underneath her. 'No,' I screamed again, consciously this time. Ayol turned to look at me, his eyes wild with fury. I saw the look of recognition in his eyes as they met mine. And then I felt the cold steel of the blade slice across my throat, and the strong arm release me. I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was drowning. My eyelids suddenly felt very heavy. I was so tired. I put my arms out to cushion my fall as I slumped to the ground.

I felt someone lift me off the floor, turning me around so that I was facing towards the moon, but I couldn't open my eyes. I could hear the noise around me as if I was perched with my ear pressed against a door, listening to the action in another room. I thought I could hear Ayol saying my name, but everything was opaque.

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