Chapter nine

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I woke feeling recovered, as if none of the awful events of the previous few days had happened to me at all. I felt like my usual self, except for the feeling of unease regarding Ayol. I still felt bad about what had happened. How had things escalated so quickly, from him comforting me to me slapping him round the face? I didn't like the way he'd just dismissed the idea of finding my Aunt, like she was a misplaced item you just had to learn to live without. But after what he'd told me about the hard life he'd lived as a child, unloved and uncared for, of course he wouldn't understand, how could he? I doubted he'd told many people those sad details of his life. Something about his story had touched me deeply, perhaps it was because he showed himself no self-pity that I wanted to pity him for the both of us. I decided to go and apologise, even if it was only to make myself feel better.

I looked through my new wardrobe and picked out a maroon top, the colour bringing out my naturally red lips, and paired it with the practical, slim fitting black trousers. I let my hair fall loose, I thought it would distract from the mark I still had on my lip. Underneath my clothes my bruises were still angry marks on my skin, but at least outwardly I looked fine.

After breakfast I walked to Ayol's inn. As I ascended the stairs I had a feeling of trepidation. What if he wasn't there anymore? What if he told me to leave and refused to speak to me? I knocked apprehensively on the door. I wasn't so sure this was a good idea now. I didn't know if I would get the intimidating Ayol, or the gentle one. I didn't know which one I'd prefer right now. I heard movement inside – he was there.

The door opened cautiously, but it wasn't Ayol who was behind it – it was Garrett. He looked as shocked to see me as I was to see him.

'Odella? Wow. You look... you look well. Really well.' He looked me over and smiled approvingly.

'I was hoping to speak to Ayol,' I said nervously, 'is he there?'

He looked over his shoulder, clearly to Ayol who I couldn't see from where I was standing, then back to me.

'Actually I'm just going so he's all yours,' he said with a wink. He moved past me and gestured for me to enter the room. I stood tensely while I watched him leave. When he was out of sight I entered the room, closing the door behind me. Ayol was stood by the chairs.

'I came to apologise,' I said abruptly before I could change my mind about being there. I stayed close to the door, not daring to venture far into the room.

'I'm surprised to see you again,' he said coolly. He stood motionless with his hands folded across his chest and his face impassive. He didn't look pleased to see me.

'I'm sorry. You were kind to me. And I wasn't kind to you in return,' I said, looking at him, waiting for some sort of reaction. When he didn't speak I babbled on. 'I feel bad about the things I said. I just wanted to clear the air.'

'You don't need to apologise,' he said simply. His tone was still frosty.

'I do,' I said sheepishly. He looked detached, his face fixed, showing no emotion. I was unsure what to say next. It was clear that he didn't want me here. 'I'm not normally...' I trailed off, not really sure what I was trying to say. I'm not normally so angry, I'm don't normally hit people after they've brought me breakfast? 'I felt trapped. And after everything that happened in the forest, I didn't like you trying to keep me here. I was scared.' For some reason I felt like I could speak honestly with him. Although we couldn't have been more different, underneath it I felt that there was something similar between us, something in common, I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

He looked at me curiously but didn't say anything. I felt stupid now, baring my inner thoughts like that to him.

'I'm sorry. That's all I came to say,' I said, trying to sound detached from the situation. He still seemed unmoved by my apology but I gave him a small smile anyway, so that I would be leaving on better terms this time. I turned towards the door.

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