Chapter fourteen

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When I woke in the morning he wasn't in the room. I sat up in bed, confused. The bathroom door was open and I could see he wasn't in there either. I glanced around, his things were still on the chest of drawers. I grew restless in bed waiting for him. I was in the bathroom when I heard the door and his footsteps on the wooden floor.

'Odella?' he called, sounding urgent.

'What's wrong?' I asked, opening the bathroom door. I jumped a little, finding him standing right in front of me.

His shoulders relaxed as he looked at me. 'Nothing, I just thought you weren't here. I wanted to get back before you woke up. I had to go and make arrangements for tomorrow.'

'Did you bring breakfast?' I asked, still standing in the doorway.

He shook his head. I feigned annoyance, opening my mouth wide and gasping. 'You sneaked out before I woke up and you didn't even bring me breakfast?'

He rested his hands on the top of the doorframe, leaning his weight against it. 'I'll make it up to you,' he said with a glint in his eye as his body loomed over mine.

'Go on then,' I challenged.

He lifted me up quickly, taking me by surprise as he scooped me up and held me to his chest. I giggled as I wrapped my legs around his waist while he carried me to the desk, perching me so I was sat on the edge, facing him. He kissed me deeply, keeping his hands on my thighs as I squeezed them around him. He pulled back from me and used both his hands to smooth my hair back off my face, combing his fingers through it down my back.

'Don't stop,' I said, leaning back in to kiss him.

'I just want to look at you for a moment. I like seeing you when you're like this, your cheeks are flushed and you're breathless and you want me. I just want to enjoy the sight of you.'

'I do want you,' I said as I helped him lift off his shirt. I ran my hands down over his chest and stomach, feeling his taught muscles. 'I really want you.' I unbuttoned his trousers. 'I want you inside me.' I ran my hands back up to face and pulled him closer to me. 'Please.'

He moved my underwear to the side and entered me in one smooth motion. 'I feel as if you were made for me,' he murmured. I moaned as I leaned back on the desk, steadying myself with one arm and putting the other round his neck. 'Ayol you feel so good,' I whispered to him.

'I like hearing you say my name. I like pleasing you,' he said breathlessly. He moved his fingers between my legs, stroking me while he moved in and out of me until I was panting his name.

Afterwards we went back to bed. I nestled into his warm chest as I fell back to sleep, content. When we finally roused it was early afternoon.

'I've thought of another place we can try,' Ayol said as I brushed my hair in front of the bathroom mirror. I paused and looked at his reflection.

'There's a graveyard for people who aren't permitted to be buried in the church cemeteries. I don't think it's likely, but we can try it. I can take you there this afternoon if you'd like.' He moved closer until he was standing behind me. 'Can I?' he asked, gesturing to the hairbrush. I handed it to him, watching his concentrated expression in the mirror as he gently stroked the brush through my hair. He was methodical, starting at the right side and working his way to the left, leaving no strand untouched, absorbed in the task completely. When he'd finished he brushed my hair back behind my shoulders with his fingers.

'Come to Tarthin with me,' I said, looking at him in the mirror.

He looked back at me, startled.

'I don't want this to end. Come back with me.'

'I can't,' he said quietly.

'After you've finished the job. I'll wait for you. We can go back together.'

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