[12] Just A Slut

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»Authors Note: Helllllo c: hope everyone is doing good happy late Valentines Day I meant to tell everyone that in the last update but I forgot to. I sorry I sorry! But anyway as you could tell I changed the story cover...again. Just warning you that might happen a lot but how do you guys like this cover? I made it all by myself! I'm really proud of it actually lol. Let's get back to the story now. Okay?Okay.«

"Harry! Stop it!" Zoe laughs as she kick her smaller feet wanting Harry to stop tickling her sides. She couldn't stop herself from letting out loud giggles and squeals, tears welling up in her eyes as she tries to breathe shaking her head slowly. "N-No!" She stutters out and shut her eyes, tears trickling down her tan cheeks as he continues to make her laugh.

Harry shakes his head and looks down at her but quickly stops once he sees that's she's not laughing anymore but she's crying. Small sobs and cries leave her mouth as she covers her face. Harry frowns deeply as he looks down at her light pink cami, which now had red blood stains on it.

Harry's eyes widen, scanning across her body once he lifts her shirt up to see what had happened. He thought he had done something wrong to her. What could he possibly have done by just tickling her. He was terrified so so scared that he had done something wrong to this poor girl whom he had just met days ago.

"Zoe... I..." He starts and then starts to examine the cuts that she had just below her ribcage. Zoe's lip quivers as she looks at Harry for a idea of what he was thinking. He was emotionless for a few seconds before all the color fades and he shakes his head. "How? Why would you do this to yourself?" He asks her and she looks down quickly, shaking her head. She didn't want to tell Harry, hell she didn't even tell her other friend about it. The only one who knew about it was herself and her journal.

"Please! Harry, don't tell anyone. They are going to think I am crazy. Especially Marilyn please. She will not ever stop teasing me about this." She tells him in a softer tone , closing her eyes and shaking her head. She never wanted Harry to find out about her cutting problem. She didn't want anyone to know. It was her secret that no one should ever know about.

"Zoey, I-I cannot believe you cut... How long have you been doing this to yourself?" He asks sounding a little bit angry. Which he was. He had a right to be angry with her for not telling him about the cutting. He didn't like it one bit.

"A while. Don't worry about it." She tells him as she yanks her shirt down, the cool blood on her shirt making her wince slightly.

"And you haven't told me about this?" He asks and shakes his head, getting up and grabbing his heavy winter coat. Zoe's eyes immediately widen as she watched him put on his coat and gloves. He was not leaving her like this.

"Harry please! I'm sorry I didn't want you to know." She cries and sits up trying desperately to stop him from leaving. He yanks his arm out if her hold and shakes his head again.

"Don't even apologize." Harry mutter and continues to shake his head disappointed in her. "Don't talk to me ever." He chokes out tears threatening to spill. Zoey shakes her head and bites her lip, crying softly to herself from the pain of the cuts and from the pain of Harry leaving her. Harry didn't intend to leave the house he just didn't want to cry in front of her.

When Harry barges out of the room she just looks at the ceiling for a long time. She shakes her head and feels underneath her matters for her journal. Once unlocked Zoe flips all the way to the back of her journal, pulling the decorative part at the back off revealing the place she hide her thin piece of glass she uses to cut.

"I'm sorry Harry. I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to disappoint you." She says softly to herself and starts to cut horizontally across her skin. Her mouth opened slightly as she watches the blood trickle down to her wrist. "Just die. Just kill yourself." She whispered bringing the glass to her neck, slowly starting to put pressure on it.

I shoot up in my bed holding my neck I gasp for air. I'm not dead. I'm okay. I'm okay. I coax myself and take deep breathes, my heart feeling as though it were going to pound out of my chest. Every so often I would have little nightmares about the days when Harry and I used to hangout when we were younger. When you miss someone you tend to dream about them good and bad things and intend to have a fair share of both.

I run my fingers through my hair and look next to me remembering what had happened last night with Harry. A smile takes over my face and I look besides me but I don't see Harry laying next to me. Instantly I frown and throw my legs over the edge of the bed.

Typical. So fucking typical. The man gets sex and then fucking vanishes in the morning. Did he even cuddle with me last night or did he just fuck me? I couldn't even remember everything that we did but I sure as hell know he fucked me. The pain that was present in between my legs was enough to confirm that. I sigh softly and wince in pain. My head was hurting as well as my legs. As I was about to get out of the bed and go look for Harry, I hear him talking in a very quiet voice.

"I feel so bad. I took all the trust you gave to me and I just threw it out the fucking window. It's not like it meant anything. She came onto me at the club... I was drunk and when you called last night. I was with her still you got me all hard and she took advantage of that." I hear him say. I'm guessing that he is on the phone but with who? "Baby, please don't cry. You'll make me cry. I'm so sorry. I love you and no one else but you. She was just some slut anyway." He says and my heart almost stops. A slut? That's what he thought I was. Just some slut.

I blink rapidly and shake my head, grabbing my dress off the floor along with my undergarments. I quickly pull my clothes on and put my hair up in a pony tail before I shove my heels on. "Asshole." I mutter and grab my purse. My legs were so fucking sore but I needed to take the pain and get out of here.

I make sure my head is up high and I exhale deeply before walking into the den, straight past Harry as he looks at me. I say nothing at all to him as I walk out and I knew he wouldn't say anything since he was on the phone with someone that was obviously so important. I fought the tears back as I slam his hotel room door shut and press for the elevator, going downstairs to the main lobby. Now. Time to have some fun. I smirk and twirl Harry's car keys around my index finger, walking to his car and unlocking it.

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