[14] Damaged

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Once my father hangs up on me, I turn the car off and lay my head against the wheel, crying to myself. Nothing was working out for me today. I didn't know what to do now. I couldn't go home. I was homeless now. I frown and shake my head. What else is there to do with my life? I may as well just kill myself. I'm probably not going to be able to keep my job because I missed last nights work. I have no college education what fucking job is going to want me as a worker besides McDonald's? I blew things with Harry. He probably won't want to be my best friend anymore because I stole his car.

I may as well end it. This life is pointless. It's so fucking pointless.

I turn the car on again and I wipe my nose, gripping the steering wheel as I push on the gas pedal going as fast as I could possibly go. I gave no fucks at all to the speed limit. I turn the music all the way up and shake my head. I probably looked like a mad woman.

I hear police sirens and I look in my side mirror, shaking my head as I drive faster, laying my head back against the seat. Fuck the police. You're not catching me today. I hear my cell phone ring and I pick it to from the passengers seat, seeing that it was Harry. Of course. I sigh and ignore the call, trying to get away from the police car that was right behind me. I gasp when I try to avoid a pot hole in the road only to run right into it, blowing out the back tire. The car swerved I've to the right and I desperately hit the brake cursing as my head hits the wheel, knocking me out in a quick second. My eyes slowly closing and darkness clouding my sight.


I obviously could understand why Claire would want a break. She wouldn't be able to trust me and I couldn't blame her. I could barely even trust my own self. I get Zoey's text message while I was on the phone with Claire and I groan, shaking my head. Claire was crying on the phone with me and Zoe stole my fucking car. Great. Just fucking great. I sigh and shake my head.

"Claire, I am sorry, but I have to take care of something." I sigh, feeling bad that I had to end this call like this but I really needed to take care of this shit with Zoe stealing my car. She's acting so bitchy about this whole situation. I guess she heard me call her a slut but how could I not? She's my best friend but that doesn't mean that I will be one hundred percent behind her when she was wrong. She was wrong. What's she's been doing is wrong but it's her choice. Really, I cannot control her life. If she was stripping and fucking some dead beats then that's not my damn problem. She choice that path for herself. I am only saying the truth and she must know that it was true or else she wouldn't be so upset with me.

"Hello? Harry! Are you really zoning me out right now?" Claire asks, scoffing as she softly sobs. I snap out of my thoughts and shake my head, not saying anything. I knew she hated when I didn't pay attention to what she was saying. "You know what Harry. Whatever. I don't give a shit what happens anymore. Go run to your little whore. I was upset but now I'm angry." She says and I become angry. Not with her decision just the fact that she called Zoe a whore.

"Listen here Claire, I don't give a shit if you talk about me like that but you will not disrespect my friend like that. I don't give a fu-"

"Harry are you really defending her right now?! I just broke up with you and you are defending her. Wow..." She mutters and I sigh softly.

"I'm defending her because I love her. She's my best friend." I say back shaking my head forgetting that Zoe did have my car.

"You're a twat." She says before she hangs up on me. I roll my eyes and throw my phone to the soft carpet. My life officially sucks right now. Nothing is working out the way it should. I call Zoe and get no answer...figures. She has stolen my car and was probably going to wreck it because she was mad that I called a slut which she is but whatever. I sigh, dialling the police as I shake my head, putting my hands over my face to hide. I was so upset. I was so angry nothing was working out the way it should and frankly it was fucking pissing me off. Can nothing go right for me tonight? Yeah I know sleeping with Zoe was my fault I didn't have to but I wanted to I wanted her desperately. She looked so good and she felt so damn good around me. Crap. I shake all the thoughts out of my head and look up at the ceiling.

"Hello, Cheshire Police Department. This is Todd on the line. What is your emergency." A male voice rings in my head and pulls me out of my thoughts. I clear my throat and run my fingers through my hair. I really didn't want to call the police on her but I had to. She had stolen my car. What else was I supposed to do?

"I would like to report a stolen vehicle." I say to the man on the other end and hear him typing something on his computer I am. Knowing Zoe she would probably tell everyone she knew about having sex with me. I mean why wouldn't she? I was famous and people would freak. She would tell the paps that she slept with me and the fans would freak out. The fans didn't even know about Claire and I because I wanted to protect her. Sometimes our fans aren't the nicest and tend to rip on the other lads girlfriends which I really don't get. They should be happy for us. I grab my coat and pull it on along with my shoes just in case I would have to take a cab to police station to fill out some paper work.

"Sure, I need your first and last name along with a description of your car." He tells me and I tell him my full name before giving him a good description of my car. I knew already that he wouldn't believe that it was me so I don't really get why I told him my name and everything. I hear him chuckle and take a deep breath. "And I am Adele. I am sorry sir but this number is for emergency only it's not for prank callers." He says simply before he hangs up the phone. Him being the second person to do so tonight and frankly I was getting sick of people hanging up on me. I call for a taxi and wait in my hotel room until the taxi gets to hotel.Once the taxi is downstairs, I grab my spare keys and vehicle paper work before I go downstairs and get in the taxi to go to the police station. I zip up my jacket and get out of the taxi once I arrive at the station, clutching my paper work tightly before paying the cab driver my fare.

Once I get out of the car, I go inside the police station and take my papers to the desk where I see the guy I talked on the phone with. His eyes widen when he sees me and he quickly stands up coming over to me, apologising quickly. I shake my head and smile at him, handing him my vehicle papers. He gladly takes them from me and grabs a few papers from his small desk before he gives them to me and puts my information in the computer. I start to fill out the paper work and a few minutes after I start filling them out, he comes back over to me a sad look on his face.

"Um...Mr.Styles." I look up at him when he says my name raising a brow.

"I found a police report under the car that was stolen. Your vehicle has been found on route sixteen... Um it says that a young girl was found in the drivers seat. The car is damaged quite a bit." I feel my throat get dry and I put a hand over my heart.

"What? What do you mean?" I ask him and he swallows thickly before smiling slightly.

"The women who stole your car, she got into an accident and a few of our cops have her in custody at the jail house." He informs me.

"Shit." I mutter softly to myself getting up from the chair I was sitting in.

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