Singularity F: Act 3

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Fuyuki still burned. The sky was orange and the heat could be felt even next to the river they walked beside. As the group approaches the bridge spanning the river, Olga stops.

"Now, Vox, I believe you have something to say to me?" Olga says, looking at Vox expectantly.

"No, I don't think so," Vox answers, only sparing a glance towards Olga while surveying her surroundings.

"She's talking about you falling asleep during the orientation, Senpai," Mash explains, "Remember? Perhaps if you focus hard enough..."

"Yeah, I remember," Vox says, "I know more than one person saw it as insulting. I also know that I was under the effects of the simulator, and am thus not in the wrong when I fell asleep."

"Of course it is!" Olga argues, "The medication for that should have worked."

"Oh, it did. Only problem is that I didn't receive it until after I was kicked out," Vox replies, absently tracing a rune ᚲ, "Oh, and incoming. Kenaz!"

A fireball hits the ribcage of a skeleton, obliterating it. Mash sprints forward and smashes apart two others. The final skeleton's destiny is decided by a bolt of lightning.

"Enemies have been eliminated," Mash reports.

"Good. Now, back to what I was talking about. My speech was very important in reference to our mission," Olga rants.

"I remember. Chaldeas went out, future uncertain, fix Singularity, fix the future, yadda yadda yadda," Vox says, "No need to explain everything again. Also, what is it with you Chaldeans and your long-ass explanations in the middle of a warzone!? Seriously!"

Olga's mouth shuts with a click, while Mash stares at me in bewilderment.

Vox sighs, "Anyway, do you think there would be a way to summon more Servants?"

"Are you serious!?" Olga exclaims, "The strain one Servant puts on one's Magic Circuits is incredible. Any more would be suicide!"

"Mmhm, have you seen my Magic Circuits?" Vox asks, "Seventy-five of them, all high quality."

Olga blinks, surprise, "I suppose that changes things."

"Good," Vox says and slams Solas Dawn into the ground.

The summoning circle appears around them.

"Do you even have a catalyst?" Olga asks.

Vox, in response, fishes out a strange crystal from her satchel. It's a mixture of green and blue and appears to be a spiky ball. Vox places the crystal inside the inner circle.

"This here's a Saint Quartz," Vox explains as she takes out two more Crystals and places them beside the first, "Saint Quartzs are formed from high concentrations of mana. And, they can be used to summon Servants without the need for a catalyst or Holy Grail. Now stand back."

Mash and Olga back up until they are at the edge of the circle. Vox herself takes a few steps back and taps Solas Dawn against the center circle. The staff's runes light up, followed by the center circle.

The light turns into a blinding column of light, which then condenses into a ball. The ball spins rapidly before exploding outward, blinding everyone.

Vox throws up a hand to cover her eyes. When the light fades and she lowers her hand, a person is standing in the center circle and the Saint Quartz has disappeared. The girl has black hair, white skin, and blue eye. A sword is sheathed at her waist and she wears an outfit that leaves very little to the imagination.

"I am Servant Rider, are you my Master?" Servant Rider asks, kneeling.

"Yep, name's Vox. Vox Amethyst," Vox says, "Oh, and please don't kneel. I don't like people treating me like that."

"If that is what you wish, Master," Rider says, getting to her feet, "My name is Ushiwakamaru, and my blade is yours to command."

Vox smiles, "Welcome to the team Ushi."

Ushiwakamaru tilts her head slightly, confused, "Ushi?"

"Short for Ushiwakamaru. Makes it easier to get your attention faster," Vox explains as the summoning circle collapses.


"Ah, perfect timing," Vox comments, turning to the skeletons, "Ushi if you would?"

"Certainly, Master," Ushiwakamaru replies, drawing her sword and rushing the closest skeleton. With a quick slice, the skeleton is decapitated and Ushiwakamaru is already moving to her next target.

"Mash, protect the Director," Vox orders, tracing a rune ᚲ, "Kenaz!"

A firebolt hits a skeleton in the head, destroying the skull. Two more skeletons fall to Ushiwakamaru's blade. Another skeleton charges at Vox, waving its sword around. In a single motion, Vox knocks aside the sword and hits the skeleton in the head. She continues her turn the motion and thrusts the end of Solas Dawn into the skeleton's chest.

"Kenaz!" the end of Solas Dawn erupts in flames, turning the skeleton to ash. Vox stands upright and dismisses the flames, before twirling her weapon and planting one end in the ground.

"The enemy has been defeated, Master," Ushiwakamaru says, walking up to Vox.

"Nice work, Ushi," Vox compliments, "Now, where to next Director?"

When Vox receives no response, she turns to the Director. Olga has a frustrated look on her face.

"I can feel the tension from here," Roman comments from Mash's watch, "The Director is grumpy, as usual."

"Yeah, and you're not exactly helping in that area, Roman," Vox says.

"Well, I can feel some sympathy for the Director's ill-temper," Mash says.

"Yeah, well, I don't," Vox replies, "I get that running an organization like Chaldea must be hard, but that doesn't mean you should take it out on people."

"Hey! Behind you! Behind you!" the Director shouts, pointing behind Mash and Vox.

Vox sighs, whirls around, and crushes the skeleton's skull with Solas Dawn, "By Lugh, can we have a nice conversation for five minutes without you idiots showing up!?"

Vox traces multiple runes ᚲ, "KENAZ! Burn!"

A wave of fire comes from the runes and destroys the approaching skeletons.

"I. Am sick. And tired. Of these Lugh damn skeletons!" Vox snarls.

There's a minute of silence as the rest of the group stares at Vox in surprise.

"Are you well, Master?" Ushiwakamaru asks.

"No, Ushi, I'm not," Vox answers, "I'm in a situation I never wanted to be in. I'm tired, I'm hungry, and this damn smoke is clogging up my nose! So no! I'm not! Okay!"

Ushiwakamaru takes a step back at her Master's words.

"Senpai..." Mash mutters.

"Sorry," Vox apologizes, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself, "Let's get going before more of those damn things show up."

"Yes, Master," Ushiwakamaru and Mash chorus.

"Boss?" Vox asks.

"This way," Olga says, walking towards the bridge.

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