chapter 16

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elena's pov

i woke up and i was alone on the trail me and stefan were running on. there was a note on the floor, i picked it up and read "dear elena im sorry for what has happened to you i would just like to let you know i will be taking stefan for a while but dont worry he will be back to normal when he gets back - lexi" who the hell is lexi i thought to myself. i looked down at my wrist and i see the dried blood, thats when i realized what really happened did actually happen.

current time

i decide i wanted to go out to get my mind off of everything, i grab my keys and run out the door to my car. when i get there there is a note on my car seat. "elena im so sorry for everything i did to you -stefan" i looked around myself to see if he was there of if this was some stupid joke. i put the note in my purse and headed to the mystic grill.

stefans pov

lexi has been so stricked with me! she gives me a little spoon full of animal blood a day, i know i hurt elena but that was a one time thing im never going to do it again. she also says writing all my thoughts will help me heal somehow. so thats what im doing at the moment writing all my thoughts in this stupid journal she got me. i havent done this in forever "stefan lets go" lexi yells i rolled my eyes at her and got up. "you may be my bestfriend of like 100 years but that doesnt mean i have to listen to you" i say she crosses her arms "well if you want to see elena then yeah you will listen to me, oh and bring your journal i want you to write her a note"

i ran back and got my jpournal. "okay lets go" i say happilly. "your not making any physical contact i just hope you know. you can see her but she cant know you are there. got it?"

i nodded and started writing. i didnt write much just apologizing for ecerything. then i ripped it out of my journal. "done" she nodded and we parked. "look her windows open put it throught there." i did as she said and hid. "there she is" i whisper to lexi. i watch her every move as she walked to her car and read the note. she didnt look scared. thats a good sign, i think. she got in her car and left. "stefan we have one more test." lext said to me. i nodded and we left. when we got back home she left and came back with a girl.

"lexi what are you doing" i say i watch her bite into the girls neck and the blood starts pouring out. "lexi stop" i yell and run at her i push her back and grab the girl. i looked her in the eyes "you wont remember anything that just happened. your fine." then i gave her some of my blood to heal her neck. "lexi are you a fucking stupid why would you do that."

she smiled at me and whipped her mouth. "you just passed my last test. congrats buddy you are officially free to go " i smiled and ran into her arms "thank you for the help lexi." i pulled back and looked her in the eye "what would you do if i wasnt ready and i drank her blood? " she shock her head "probably break you neck and make the person elena next time. because i know you would stop."

i ran upstairs and grabbed all my stuff and put it in the car. "lexi im going to miss you." i say hugging her. "she smiled "oh im coming with you. meet your new neighbor from a couple houses down" i smiled and go out front "when are you coming?" "ill be there later tonight" i nod and leave

at home

i am finally home in my own room with my own bed. "i missed this place" i say jumping onto my bed. the smell of elena is all over it. i miss her so much. i got up after five minutes and grabbed clean cloths from my dresser to wear after my shower. i plug my phone into the sterio and turn the shower on. i undress and hope in

i notice my shampoo is half empty. "what the hell" i say out loud. i swear it was almost full before i left, elena must have used it.

i wash up and grab the tower putting it around my waist. i walked down stairs and put all my dirty cloth in the washing machine so i would have cloth to wear for later. i shaved my face and got dressed making sure i look clean and fresh. after a while my cloths are done so i bring them up stairs and put them on my bed "ill put them away later." i decide to go for a walk while i wait for someone to come home. on the way down the stairs i hear a car pull up in drive way. i got scared i dont know why but i did so i ran up to the room and hid in my secret spot behin the book shelf. i built this place when i was younger and people would try to kill me and damon.

i hear keys being placed in the bowl and then sound of someone walking up the stairs. please let it be damon. please let it be damon. " i peek through the crack to see elena standing in the door way staring at the bed. shit the basket. she walks over to it and looks at the cloths. she turns and walks into the bathroom. she walk out with my towel, her phone starts ringing so she answers it "hey damon. i think stefan was here there are cloths  on the bed and it looks like someone just had a shower." i hear mumbling "no why would i look behind the book shelf theres nothing there" fuck damon no dont tell her that. she starts walking over to the shelf i jump up and spread my legs against the walls so she doesnt see me. she opens it up and looks in the space. "damon theirs no one in there. what ever bye." she hangs up and walks over to the bed flopping herself dowwn onto it. i quitly get down and go over near the door, just as i was about to be home free the floor creaks. "stefan is that you?" elena says i turn around and look at the ground. "OH MY GOD. IT IS YOU!!" she says running and jumping into my arms.

"you arent afraid of me?" i say. "no i trust you." i pull away from the hug and look her in the eyes. "im so sorry ele,,," she cut me off by kissing my lips .



finally done a chapter guys. this one is actually so shit i thought i havent writin in a while so i wrote a quick one just for you guys. hope you enjoy.


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