chapter 2

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Elena p.o.v

it's been a week since Caroline had spoken to me. I dont know what to do anymore. it's not my fault that Stefan asked me out and Not her. like why does she care she's dating some guy named Damon... he has a nice body ;) no Elena stop your with Stefan. as I was saying damons like a pedophile she's 16 and he's like 21. or at least looks like it...

my thoughts were interrupted by Jenna calling me down, guess Stefan here. as I walk down stair I see the sexy man I was waiting for. "hey beautiful" he says. I blush a kiss his cheek "hey no PDA in the house Elena" Damn Jenna! "ok." I opened the front door and pushed Stefan out it closing the door behind us . "what Jenna said not PDA inside this is outside" he smiled

and brought he's soft sweet lips to mine. it turned into a major make out section. me being pushed to the wall give stefan the chance to push his body against mine. without Jenna noticing we went upstairs to my room. Stefan threw me on the bed laying ontop of me. i slid my hands under his shirt and lifted it over his head . he's so sexy shirtless. cloths where going flying and Stefan was leaving kissed down my neck. I brought his lips back to mine and I noticed his face was a bit rough. I opened my eyes to see him going for my neck with blood shot eyes and fangs. he bit into my neck. the pain was to much. I screamed as loud as I could

Jenna p.o.v

I woke up to the sound screaming and of corse me being the protective guardian I had to see what was going on. I walked into Elena room and it looked like she was having a night mare "Elena honey wake up. come on its just a bad dream" I said softly. "no don't touch me. stop your hurting me!" she screamed again. this time jer woke up "what's going on in here?" I explain how Elena is asleep and won't wake up. "I'll call Stefan he could wake her up" I nodded and he grabbed Elena's phone "Stefan get over here" then he hung up "come one Elena wake up" I SaI'd touching her arm "she screamed again "no stop don't touch me get away you monster!" the door bell rings and I go to answer it hoping it would be Stefan. but i was wrong I opened the door to find...

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