Because fuck you that's why

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HI! how y'all been? cool here's a new character! She has a background story but I'm not going to post it here because it's not done and its on chapter six and it's like 23,000 words SO! here's a story of hers I'll update the character thing too =3

TW: Gay slur, violence, and yea.


Confronting my school principal with 5 armed mafia members behind me wasn't how I expected my day to go but here we are I guess.

I won't lie and call myself unattractive, I've got a nice body and a pretty face I guess, but that doesn't excuse harassment and I'm prepared to let anyone know that.

"Hey, need a lift?!" Millie and I were hopping a fence back onto school grounds from the woods when a few boys nearby shouted at us. We saw them before we started climbing back over. I, like an idiot, just figured they'd mind their own business but obviously assumed wrong. From atop the fence I shoot them a wicked glare, offsetting their cocky attitude momentarily, but not for long.

"Ooh, looks like she's a feisty one!" One of the boys taunts from the grass with his friends laughing around him "Oh my gosh what are you going to do? Glare harder?!" The idiot practically dies laughing with his buddies as I leapt off the fence, landing in a somersault parkour-style.

"Fucking say it again asshole, I dare you." I stalk towards them, sliding off my dark blue flannel and leaving myself in a black tank top. Millie hops over behind me, and takes my flannel from me, wrapping it around her waist.

"Oh, and who's she? Your little whore servant?" The first boy taunts, jeering at Millie and I.

"Say that again, and you can say goodbye to your reproductive organs bitchboy." I snarled at them, my fists balling up.

"Feeling merciful today, love?" Millie inquires from the back. "Just because I'm here doesn't mean you have to be." I smirk internally at that when a shout is heard from the group.

"Stay out of this, bitch!" A boy from the back of the pack yells.

I freeze momentarily as Millie yells back, absolutely furious. "The FUCK did you just call me?!" Millie starts to step forward but I stop her, grabbing her arm gently.

"Let them make the first move," I whisper. "Then most anything I do can be classified under self-defense." She nods and backs up, snarling slightly.

"Yeah, that's right Bitch! Listen to your master, you fawn headed fag." To this I actually laugh, off-setting them once more.

"That is the weakest fucking insult I've ever heard! You really don't have anything going on upstairs, do you?" I hold my stomach as I laugh at the bastard. In a desperate attempt to regain his control in the situation, he lashes out.

"Yeah I do, but I also got a lot going on downstairs if you know what I mean, Babe. I like 'em feisty, anyway." He does that disgusting thrust thing boys do with their hips, holding his fist out in front like he's got some package.

I laugh out loud. "HA! I know little dick energy when I see it and damn yours is out there." I tease back, waiting for him to do something, I'm pleasantly rewarded when the first guy moves to put his hand on my shoulder to push me away. As soon as it makes contact I grab his arm and flip him on his back. An involuntary shriek pops out of his mouth as he hits the ground, I plant my boot on his shoulder blade and pull up on his arm until it's taut.

"Get off me, you crazy bitch! What the fuck, I was just playing around!" His 'friend' group wisely keeps their distance as I threaten to snap his arm out of its socket.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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