If Only

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Howdy! Sunday is my birthday, yay! I'll be 15! If you are reading my stories, thank you so much I really appreciate it, it means a lot to me!

True to the Short stories theme here.

There's also a wee bit of cussing in here, it's high school what can I say?



They got closer to us everyday, this one group of boys, why couldn't they just let us eat lunch in peace?

"I just want to thank you for all the food you've given me, thank you so much" that was a common sentence when one of them in particular would approach us. That and: "you guys have been such good friends, thank you"

I was a freshman then, I was used to sitting by myself for the first week or two, then an acquaintance of mine invited me to sit with her with her friends at their table. I was pretty happy about it, most of the table was older than me by a year or two. But then out of random, this one boy came over to the table and started thanking the group for food and friendship. I thought they knew him and that he was trying to be funny, turns out, none of us even knew who he was. Just some random guy in a group of other random and annoying guys, so what probably started off as a dare, turned a bit more... intense.

It started off as somewhat funny I guess, just something to recall and go that was weird. But after it happened twice, it got annoying. Sitting in an outdoor courtyard, I can see how we got away with all this. Our first/original table was under a tree so we had nice shade. After this same guy, I think his name was Hunter, came up to our table about three or four times, we moved to the other table under the same tree. Then it kept happening, every so often, the same damn boy would come over to the table and mess with us, he'd even try to sit where others were when they were out, or act like he was going to rifle through someone's lunch.

One day, the whole group was just chilling and talking about 10 feet away from our table, they weren't doing anything, just talking and minding their own business. One of the girls at my table had a tomato, which wasn't uncommon, she ate them the way you would eat an apple. But, today she took a tomato out of her lunch box and said

"Hey what if I threw it at them" while gesturing to the group. I was mostly surprised she would do that while granted, I was kind of curious what would happen. I stayed silent. The table was split about 50/50 if she should throw it.

She did, straight into the crowd with no specific target.. Giving our table that feeling of that just happened and oh god. I for one, kept on eating my lunch, I didn't want the confrontation. Though I could hear the muffled panicked chatter of my table

"Oh shit it hit him, oh no" my head was down. When all of a sudden, something hits me, and I mean literally hit me, leaving a bit of splatter across the table, knocked into my shoulder and fell to the ground. They had thrown the red fruit back at us, with no specific target.

"What the fuc~?!" I'd exclaimed. Closely followed by a lot of "oh shit" from the rest of the table.

Turns out, the tomato had hit Hunter dead on the torso. And to describe the person we're talking about here, he had a bowl cut but his hair was curly so it stood atop his head. He was wearing a jacket that was probably way too expensive for what it was, just three, thick, horizontal stripes alternating black:white:black.

And this tomato had hit him dead center in the white stripe leaving a big, red and wet stain on the front of it. Yikes was about the only thing going through my head, well, that and oh shit oh fuck.

I was lucky that the tomato didn't hit my middle or anything, just grazed my arm. The guys had run off to find admin, which makes sense, someone did just throw a tomato at them and possibly ruin one of their jackets. Kelsie, the girl who threw the tomato, decided to apologize herself before the admin made her. So she found them and admitted to her wrong doing. Hunter was hell-bent on seeing that she bought him a new jacket; however, that didn't happen.

All in all, that day was pretty awkward but a fun story. But after something like that happend, I thought these idiots would leave us alone, guess they really couldn't take a hint. They kept bothering us even still! And that's where the tomato set was a big problem, Hunter started throwing pieces of sandwich at us, with encouragement from his group. We were getting sick of his shit.

It came to the point where we were putting our bags on benches to keep them away, it only worked for the first time though, the second time, they approached and started trying to move our stuff. We would tell them to buzz off because it was our property and they couldn't move it. They left.

The third day, we weren't so lucky. I had set my bag down on the bench next to our table and left for the bathroom. When I got back, the boys had arrived and were at it again, and this time, they weren't really taking no for an answer.

Just as I had gotten back, Hunter grabbed my bag and was attempting to move it to the ground and sit down. Saying things along the lines of "you guys aren't sitting here, your stuff can't either"

I am extremely territorial of my things around random people and this enraged me. I ripped my bag out of his hand and sat where it was before, saying

"I actually am sitting here. do not. touch my things thank you." They were a bit surprised I guess. a minute or so later I started to get a shaky feeling in my legs. It always happens when I confront people, I don't know why, I wouldn't say that I'm afraid or anything, just adrenaline being weird. I was feeling pretty good about standing up for myself/friends and got out my lunch box and started eating. Then, the weirdest thing happened. Hunter sat down next to me, leaving barely six inches between us. I was already uncomfortable. And it didn't help that soon after his friend told him to scoot over so he could sit too, so Hunter scooted right next to me, to the point we were touching. They started ripping pieces of a sandwich off again and throwing them at my back, laughing as they did so. At this point, I'm very uncomfortable and just wanting to leave, but being the stubborn girl I am, waved off my table mates' invitation to sit at the table where I would have been if I hadn't gotten myself in this mess in the first place.

Hunter had literally started pushing himself against me, full side contact was happening. I was shocked and very distressed. I looked over to him and, word for word, said

"Hey, my guy, can you scoot please? You're kinda invading my personal bubble here." Hunter just looked over to his friend who I'll call idiot 1 and said

"You heard her man, back up!" Idiot 1 just chuckled and pushed against him harder, starting to push me through Hunter.


That's when I punched him. I had braced my legs on the ground, strong from riding and turned my body towards Hunter. I'd balled my fists and struck him across the jaw, making him lose balance and fall back. I stood and turned to the two of them

"Take a hint and Fuck off! If you want someone to move, how about ask?!" I crossed my arms as he stood back up, looking enraged and not sure what to do. That was the last time we had issues with them


At least, that's what I wish I did.


So yeah, kind of hard to follow, sorry about that, this story is about those times you look back and think about how you could've handled a situation better or just differently than you did. This is actually a personal anecdote from this year, only names changed for the sake of it, From my POV. I think about that day a lot.

Wow. that's a bit lame ^. 

anyway, I really do need help here, what couple do I use for the next story? Sam&Amelia, Scar&Phoebe, Chris&a guy, or Zach& a mysterious boyfriend/girlfriend(specify) Please let me know, and Happy Tuesday!!!

Word count: 1475

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