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So this story is VERY different from the others I've done! There's a shit ton o language and a bit of Violence. There are homophobic slurs but "*ed" because. Yea! Also gay romance it's REALLY LONG so buckle up!(like 6,000+ words) also the first one I'll have a POV change in!


POV: Scarlett

Another shriek tears out of me as another kick comes. This one harder than the last it seemed. Then again, that's probably just my brain.

"Had enough yet f*g?" the gruff and scratched voice shouts at me. When I wanted to say fuck off, all I managed to get out was a whimper. Unfortunately, this seemed to satisfy the bully, so she laughed and for good measure, kicked one more time. However this time directed at my bag, getting my papers thoroughly spread throughout the bushes and weeds. Just then, the bell releasing us from lunch sounds. The girl smirks at my fucked up self and sprints back over to the fence, going under through a ditch and back onto school property. Damn her for being smart.

As soon as she was out of sight I rushed to get all of my things back into their places and slung the bag over my shoulder. I sprinted to the fence, scampering through the ditch, but when I tried to keep running, the pain finally set in and my adrenaline wore off. So instead of running off to English like I tried to do, I almost face planted in the dirt, luckily I was able to roll to the side.


Pain explodes in my ribs from the kicking and as I pull my hand to my face, it comes away with fresh blood. Did she actually manage to bloody my nose?! I try to press my hoodie sleeve to my nose as I look down to my legs, they're already sore where they were grabbed to drag me under the fence. I try to push myself up onto my forearm, earning a strong stinging sensation, they must be scraped pretty bad from my fall. *bing...bing...bing* That's the halfway bell. I've got 3 minutes to get to English, about halfway across the campus from where I am currently. I force myself up, instead of ignoring the pain, I welcome it and just try to breathe without going into a panic attack. I don't have anxiety, not diagnosed anyway, but I can go into shaking fits where my breathing becomes shallow and uneven and I can't do anything. Deep breaths I tell myself, deep breaths. I keep an arm about my bag to secure it as I limply run to English, hoping to be on time.

I'm in through the door just as the last bell rings, everyone looks over to me with wide eyes. I hate this attention, but there isn't much that they should be able to see.. Then I remembered my nosebleed. Shoving my arm back up to the right side of my nose, I glance to the back of the room where a mirror is hung. Okay, makes sense why they stare. I had blood running down my mouth and down my neck, there was a hole in my jeans that wasn't there before and I had a fairly bloody scrape. Not to mention my usual hunched posture was now more exaggerated and my back moving up and down incredibly fast from my breathing. Oh gods my breathing! It was raspy and uneven, sounding like I was sick and trying to breathe through a throat of mucus. I put my head down and walked briskly over to my desk, avoiding getting any blood on it's graffitied surface. Attempting to block out the stares of my peers, I focused on getting my journal out of my bag, still keeping my sleeve to my nose.

Finally the teacher arrived, he looked like he'd just come from the football fields. Probably did being a coach.

"Afternoon class. How has everyone's day been?" he spoke, not looking at us but putting his bag down and logging into his computer. There were mumbles of good, okay and meh i'm tired. I said nothing, not wanting to draw attention to myself if I accidentally coughed trying to speak. Unfortunately, this is the class I'm usually the most outgoing in, so rather than getting ignored, the teacher got suspicious and looked from the newly pulled up attendance tab on the monitor. His eyes scanned the class, searching. I wanted to hide, I wanted to sink down to avoid being seen, but knowing the state of my back currently, that wouldn't be a good idea. Much to my dismay, the teacher's eyes found mine, it couldn't've been hard, I'm the only kid who wears a beanie.

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