Maybe there's room for improvement

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The goat makes another appearance!(he's not in the story)

hi so this is something i wrote forever ago, meaning last year during eighth grade. It was going to be book when i was writing it but now it's not. i didn't proof it completely like i do my other stories, so i apologize for any errors. Enjoy if you can! thx!


"Mom where are you?! Someone is at the front door! It's a tall man, I think."

My mom is a widow, my dad died unexpectedly about 2 and ½ years ago. I was afraid she would never be the same mom again. But to my surprise she is still the best mom ever in my eyes. Now she's trying to get a good guy to be a good person for her, me and my sister. Not to mention a better job than her minimum wage work. Now that I'm in high school I plan on helping out a lot more than I ever could before.

So when the doorbell rang I thought she met someone and invited him over for dinner; she did this sometimes. My mother is the best cook in the world.

"What does he look like?" I hear my mom's sweet voice ask

" He has a beard and Is wearing a black hat with an IBC on it. He's also wearing a navy blue jacket" He is still just standing there politely with a small paper packet in his hands.

"I'll get it honey!" She comes back from the kitchen to get the door. When she opens the door he shakes her hand and identifies himself as Mr. Blendi... a bank assistant.

My mom invites him in and asks me to go help my sister clean our guinea pig's cage- Gizzma and Lillian - they're fluffy Abby's and all out adorable

"hey kat!" I say to my little sister catching her off guard "I'll help you clean up this mess ok? Now go hold the little fatties while I vacuum the 'mansion"'. my little 6 year old sister giggles and walks off to her room with our guinea pigs. The cage is a pretty good size for two six month old pigs. But because they are so little it's easy to clean up after them. And I'm done in under two minutes.

I check over the railway to see if he is still down there. And sure enough he is and the question comes to me, why would a realtor be at our house in uniform? I'm then called by my little sister 'Kat' who worriedly tells me that Gizzma has gotten under her bed. Great.

After we finally get Gizzma out and get her and her sister put back in their cage I head downstairs. Kat trailing close behind me with a smile spreads wide across her face as she struggles to keep up with me

I'm shocked to see my mom crying on one of the stools in the kitchen. She appears to be holding the same stack of papers as the man who must've left. I approach her and calmly ask "Mom, what happened?" "Mommy why are you crying?" My little sister worriedly

I don't know what to tell her but I have to say something so I ask her if she wants to get a snack and she happily skips off to the pantry.

While Katelyn is chooses a food I take a closer look at the papers sand almost wish I hadn't seen it. It is an Eviction notice.

How did this happen!? We've been paying our bills and taxes, just barely, but still paying them. Haven't we? I push those thoughts to the back of my head to comfort my mom. "Mom, it's going to be ok" I say comfortingly "we will figure this out, ok?" She looks up at me and I can tell she wants to say something but she doesn't only more tears come out.

Kat comes bouncing back into the room with some fruit snacks. "I'll be right there, ok Kat?" "Ok!" She responds happy and oblivious as usual,and she heads off to the table. I turn my attention back to my mom and put a hand on her shoulder and ask "How long do we have?" She looks up at me and says shakily "the end of this month" the end of this month is about 3 weeks away! I don't know how to take this information. Part of me wants to scream, another wants to cry and the other wants to vomit. So I head to the table with Kat to think this over and tell Kat we'll be moving in three weeks.

"Three weeks?!" Kat exclaimed "that's the end of the month!"

"I know Kat, I know, but we can make this work ok?" This seems to calm her a bit and she asks "can you help me pack please?" I'm pretty surprised by her request, I just told her we'd be moving by the end of this month and she's completely chill. Now how many children would do that? Because my little sister is so young it's easy to pack up most of her stuff especially since we can't afford many stuffed animals for her so she didn't have to leave anything behind. Lucky her I think, for I do not exactly have it easy when it comes to packing. I have lots of clothing and important things that I need as a teenager... However it's a bit too easy for me to separate most of my clothes from some shirts I didn't even know I had! And I don't wear these so toss those out.

At the end of the week when I'm finished going through all my crap I look at the pile of stuff I'm ditching and almost faint. I had no clue I had this much stuff in my room! 'Knock knock knock' " who is it?" I ask. "It's the pizza girl!" Kat answers "oh finally I'm starving! Come in!" I play along. Kat bounces into my room and immediately sees the pile of clothes and stuffed toys, her jaw hits the floor and then she shouts "LEAF PILE" and she jumps straight into the mound of clothing. "Oh Kat!" I play with her and bury her in my clothes and stuffies until she then realizes that I'm not keeping what's in the pile and she starts shoving stuffed animals up her shirt like it's going to hide them and she says "are you sure you're going to get rid of all

the clothes?" I take another look at the pile of clothes I've created and realize that I should probably keep some of them. My thoughts are interrupted by my sister asking "also these stuffies... can I have some?" Of course she would ask that! she is a 6 year old, innocent, oblivious child after all! I realize that even I don't want to leave a lot of these either and she can still shove some more stuff into her bag so... "knock yourself out!" I blurt so randomly Kat jumps up 2 feet in the air. "Sweet! Thanks Sophie!" Kat happily squeals and starts to grab all of the stuffies

There is only one and a half weeks left by the time we are done packing up all our clothes and personal items. My mom says that we should use the last half of this week to donate out in needed and wanted clothes, and also to start finding an apartment; a shack maybe even a tent. No! Don't think that I scolded myself, we will find an apartment and we will be fine! I push the idea to the back of my mind and set up the baskets of clothing in the back of the car for my mom to drop off. Mom leaves and I start on my homework, I hope I can still attend the same school after we move. The thought takes over my brain and instead of doing homework, I find myself looking up apartment buildings in the area. I'm still staring at my moms computer when the garage door opens and my little sister comes dashing into my room.

"Sophie! There's a girl at the front door! Looks about your age!"

"Coming!" I shout from my room "thanks kat"

I practically race down the stairs because I know who it is; my girl-friend from school, Alex. Though I don't know why she's here. I open the door at attempt three after realizing it was locked.

"Hey Alex! Come in!"

We settled down on my striped bed to do homework after letting my mom know she was here.

"So why is all of your crap in boxes sopha?" She always called me after she accidentally called me a sofa a while back. And I've had a crush on her ever since. So naturally without thinking, i blurt

"Because we're moving in together obviously!" her face goes red before breaking out in laughter.

"Oh You're such a flirt dear!" she teases back. Now it's my turn to go red as I laugh. There's so much tension here and i can't stand it anymore. But thankfully, i didn't have to end it. Because just as I calmed down, Alex pulls me by my shirt collar and kisses me.

Holy crap, Alex is kissing me!! I kissed back and pulled her into a hug. Maybe life won't be as messed up as anticipated.


thanks for reading! I'm currently working on two different stories, one of them should be out within the next week, but i make no promises. for those of you who want it, i'll post these characters info in the "Characters!!" 

Have a night day/night! :) word count: 1631

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