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Hello! I recently re-read the characters chapter and when on Zach's character-ness I noticed how I mentioned original writing and how relatable he was/is. Well, here is chapter 13 from 10 Years Later before Zach and Amelia dated. from Zach's POV. sorry if it's crap, I tried to fix It so it's better than the actual 10 Years Later chapter, but I wrote it in 7th grade, there's only so much I can do. I hope you have a good laugh at how pathetic he is.


Zach POV

I'm so sorry I crashed the car and hurt Amelia it was the last thing I could ever want to happen.

It's all I can think now, how I'm going to apologize to Amelia and her sisters. Mainly Iclyn, because I've seen her punch someone so hard they flew backwards! And if that's not something to be afraid of, I don't know what is!

The guilt of crashing my dad's car and breaking Amelia's leg is unbearable. I only got a few scratches and two stitches on my forearm. So this guilt not only is from a car crash, it feels like my life has gone into a car wreck itself. It's hard to believe that I will also have to break this to my dad. Brittany was the one to take me to the hospital. Surprisingly.

I'm already on Iclyn's iffy side because I'm related to Brittany, who is my older sister. I wanted Amelia to like me as more than a friend, so I took her on a car ride hoping she would like me too. But this has left a scar, literally, I'd be lucky if she even stayed my friend.


When I return from school the next day, Friday, Brittany is waiting for me. "Did you tell dad what you did to the car yet?" She half asks half taunts. UGH that's another part of the guilt I'm carrying. My dad did trust me with the car. Yet I still haven't told him that I crashed it, into a barrier, on the highway. He thinks that I fell and cut myself on a rock. It will be very hard to tell him that this happened, 2 weeks ago, but then again if I don't spill soon, Brittany will.

My dad is extremely cautious about Amelia, Ashley, and Iclyn because they are all orphans, so hurting one hurts all three. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I have a whole weekend to think about it.


"Uuugh." I say as I wake up to my alarm signaling it's time to get up and that it's Monday. Monday, a.k.a, the worst day of the week. I haven't talked to Amelia since the car before the crash. I guess I've just been lucky not to run into any of the three, mainly Iclyn. I don't know why i'm so afraid of Iclyn. Probably because she beat up my older sister.

"Zach!" What the.. shoot! Are my first thoughts when my math teacher, Mr. Drumsly's, loud and stern voice slices through my thoughts

"Come up and answer this equation now. And If I catch you daydreaming again you'll be seeing me for lunch!"

"Yes sir!" I respond quickly. So I go up to the board, and write the answer to the equation which is most likely incorrect because math is something I don't excel in.

*ding**ding**ding* the bell rings, hallelujah Lunch time!


I spot Amelia a little ways away, surprisingly not on crutches.

Whew ok, I can do this, I can do this. Ok here it goes.

"Hi, Amelia, about the crash, I'm sorry I should've turned around but I ju-" Amelia cuts me off

"Please Zach I really just don't want to talk about it okay? I've got to go meet up with Iclyn and Ashley." She walks away with her lunch box to a table across the room.

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