Denial NSFW

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SMUT : Cockwarming / Edging1% fluff?

word count : 1225


His glowing golden eyes remained closed, the weight on his lap being so comforting to him that it brought him a pleasant peace that was almost unmatched, and that in the past had been unimaginable.

The sweet warmth of the woman that claimed the spot over his thighs left him with a serenity he hadn't thought possible before, but existed now, and it was something he never wanted to let escape.

'(f/n)' He thought to himself, all while her heavenly scent was breathed in.

A soft, light smile pulled at his lips as he enjoyed all the warmth the (h/c) haired young woman provided him, starting from the familiar, tender affection that came from having her chin leaned onto his shoulder, to the delightful heat that had hungerly sunken onto his hardened length and now enveloped him.

During his musing, a tiny, feeble whine then caught his attention, and subtly, her hips moved, the action stopped as he placed both of his hands at her waist, keeping her still from the moment.

"(F/n)..." he murmured, warning in his tone as one of his golden eyes snapped open, soon narrowed down to her and her shaken form with annoyance for selfishly disturbing his serenity.

As he caught sight of her, he watched as her lips were pouted, the sweet-tasting mouth trembling with want, silently begging for stray kisses from his purple-tinted ones. (E/c) colored eyes also sent him plea, the wide-opened orbs reflecting back his own image which showed a complete contrast to her.

While she was nearly on the verge of tears, he stayed steady, his chin tilted up as he enjoyed using her, much more, being the one in control.

"L-Leone..." she whimpered, relentlessly squirming, the movement being an action that defied him yet again. And he was certain that if her hands weren't tied to her back, she'd have them running over his chest, desperate to convince him, using her lithe body to try and seduce him, doing anything she could to get him to cave.

A warm, low breath then escaped him, and the two hands that held her released her suddenly, letting her continue to wiggle, the action disappointing him furthermore, drawing out a rather low blow of air from his chest.

Yet, rather than lose his composure, he seemed very unaffected and calmed, his right hand reaching over to the small table at his side where his half-empty wine glass sat. Calmly, he raised it up to his lips, ignoring her enlarged, wet (e/c) orbs all the while.

He then took a slow sip of the well-aged alcoholic drink and at that moment his other hand moved, cutting through the air with a wicked viciousness.

A high-pitched squeal then covered up the sound of the harsh clash, her body raked with shutters by the impact before all of her movements ceased, not wanting more reprisal.

And at that very second, his lips curled into a dastardly grin,

"Stay still." He nearly sang, the hot stinging spot on her ass sweetly caressed by the same assaulting hand not a moment after to remind her that he wasn't all that evil.

Truth be told, he was only his sweetest with her.

"B-but Leone..." she said again, her naked breasts tightly pressed to his torso, the exposed portion of his chest coming in contact with her heated flesh, making her feel even more desperate as she felt his strong body pressed to her softer one.

"Please...f-fuck me... I can't... " she whimpered shamelessly, having been put through the torture for far too long.

She felt complete, yet incomplete all the same and it was a horrible feeling that left her desperate and quivering. The thickness that stretched her had shaped her to the generous girth, but did nothing more than that, leaving her begging for so much more she knew he was capable of,

" Please," she muttered while pressing her lips onto his neck, panting roughly as he murmured her name in the same thick voice he did whenever they made love.

He then teased her with a very lax, almost non-existent thrust upward, forcing a thick mewl to escape her, the sound leaving her in the most lecherous way it could, further shaming her.

A moan of his own was suppressed into a small hum as he felt her walls tighten, responding back with a sweet hug.

The metal cuffs that held her stung the skin of her wrist as her arms had instinctively aimed to wrap around his neck, and it hurt her heart more than anything to be denied the true warmth of his body.

It was then that she began to cry, her quivering legs that hung at his sides wanting to wrap around his waist, but staying still, her will existent, yet slowly diminishing.

- She didn't mean to move, she hadn't intended to ruin his moment of quiet bliss, but it was torture.

His lips then smacked against each other, " You keep moving, " he complained, tipping over what was left of his drink over her sweet lips, adding more flavor to the delicious flesh in doing so.

Trails of dark red flowed down her chin, falling down her chest and spilling over her body, the burning flesh lightly cooled down by the beverage,

"See? " he asked her, "You made me spill it," he said accusingly, darkly chuckling while she panted even more, his name falling out of her mouth in a way that sounded both edged and needy as well as annoyed by his denial of her.

"-Silly girl," he murmured, his tongue lapping at the sweet alcoholic flavor that fell over her lips and chin, shamelessly cleaning it all, "Clumsy...silly... disobedient...selfish girl." He maundered with mirth while trailing his wet muscle down her chin.

Moaning, she inclined her head back, pushing out her chest as well while his two arms were wrapped around her to make sure she didn't fall back during the action.

She gave him full access to her body, hoping it made up for all of her impatience, demonstrating to him that all in all she was always willing to give in.

"Can " she asked airily. "Please...Imperatore" she mewled out, and at the address, his hold tightened before he took a quick nip at the sweet flesh that was pressed to his lips.

-If there was anything that broke him down, it was the title being used in such a sweet and hungry manner that wasn't touched by any bit of shame as she'd far gone the point where dignity had any meaning.

'There's nothing you wouldn't do for me,' He thought to himself, 'There's no where you'd rather be,' He went on,

'I Love you too...even if you're impatient...' He mused before skipping over her puckered lips, moving to give her a sweet kiss on the forehead,

' Really...' he mused while considering her plea, 'I just love seeing you like this,' he mused, watching her whither and shrink, the wait having become unbearable for her.

'You can't even think of anything else beside me , can you?' He thought to himself, knowing her mind was riddled with him.

"-Mmm..." he seemed to contemplate the idea before he chuckled, the low rumble doing nothing more than weakening her furthermore,

" I don't think so."

I drifted off near the end, cause truth be told, I didn't know how to end it.

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