Princess Teaparty

726 23 5

Word count: 938

(Related to the previous chapter)

Abbacchio playing princess tea party with his daughter

"What are you two doing?" (F/n) asked softly, peeking in through the door with curious (e/c) colored eyes.

With her body still hidden behind the wall, she held onto the doorframe, interested in the sight before her.

Leone sat on a little chair, a loose strand of light-colored hair gently tucked behind his ear as he picked up the little porcelain cup set before him, lightly tilting it over his lilac-colored lips to take a slow sip of the imaginary drink,

"I'm...a princess," He said to her, leisurely taking another sip before he spoke again, " Obviously," he added rather flatly, giving her a deadpan look for even daring to ask.

Wasn't it obvious?

"Of course, Of course," (f/n) answered back, giggling, finding it adorable to see the taller man sitting on the little chair, his long legs bent as he made himself comfortable on a seat that clearly wasn't meant for a person his size.

" I can see," She added while gently stroking the doorframe with her index, her (e/c) colored eyes batting at the two as she tried to be coy, "So..." she started, "Any room for me?" She added sweetly, wanting an invite, just itching for one.

"Yep!" (d/n) chirped, jumping up from her seat, reaching her hands out to her mother, "You sit with papa," She said while eagerly dragging a chair right next to the man's, looking proud as she was able to get them to touch shoulders, the two adults being squished together right before her large eyes into what she considered to be picture perfect.

The little girl was excited, happy to finally play the game properly,

"There!" (d/n) said happily, her eyes scanning the room to try and find things she could use, "Oh! Have this!" she said while draping a small cover over (f/n)'s shoulders, the red throw blanket being perfect for their play in the child's mind.

"Yes! And papa... have this," She said while outstretching her two arms up to him, a little tiara in hand.

"For me?" He asked her sweetly, placing a hand to his chest as he smiled at her, pretending to be utterly flattered while being crowned.

"Mmhm..." She hummed, nodding enthusiastically, easily placing it on his head as he bowed.

Afterward, (d/n) then sat back down, all while (f/n) eyed the little accessory on Leone's head with scrutiny,

"Um... a question," (f/n) piped, her sole index finger risen, "Why does he get a crown?" she asked, "And I don't?" She added, slightly miffed. "I thought we were playing princess," She added, seeing as (d/n) also had on a little crown.

'I usually play princess,' the (h/c) haired woman thought to herself while crossing her arms, pouting,

"Why can't I be a princess instead?" (F/n) pouted, knowing that there were only two little crowns, wanting to take the other for herself because that's just how things had always worked within the game.

"- Because daddy is prettier." (D/n) replied simply, reaching over to hand her a little cup so she could properly join.

And it hit the woman hard because by default she'd always been the favorite parent as well as the pretty parent.

All in all, the only star in (d/n)'s eyes.

'It's expected,' (f/n) breathed lowly.

Hanging her head, she visually sulked, "Ah, right," She breathed. "You've got me there," she mused, sounding smaller.

'After all, he is your favorite now,' the woman thought with a small sliver of envy, seeing as her daughter now adored the man, always stuck on him like a little wad of gum.

It was tremendously sweet how much she idolized him and followed him, a miniature version of him trailing behind his every step. However, (f/n) felt left out, forgotten like old news.

She then heard the man beside her chuckle before his hand ran down her (h/c) colored hair, gently soothing down the little fuzzed strands with a sweet smile, one he only had the ability to sport while in the presence of his little ladies.

The (h/c) haired woman then lifted her head as she felt a light, little metal piece be placed on her head, causing her eyes to go up, rounded as he gave up his new title to her, all without a qualm,

"We're playing princess right now..." he reminded her, "But I'd be honored to have a queen attend our tea party," He told her, taking a light hold of her right hand and laying a little, gentlemanly kiss on it.

Instantly, (f/n)'s face flushed, glowing brightly as she blubbered, "L-L-Leone...I .. ah..."

During then she wasn't even sure what to say, feeling as though she might faint with the amount of excitement she felt, her heart almost popping as he sweetly gazed at her.

"-If you don't mind," He added, using his thumb and index to catch (f/n)'s ripening cheek, gently tugging it with a teasing, little grin.

"Of course," She breathed, "I...I wouldn't mind," she answered back, her eyes twinkling as she gave him a cute little grin.

All the while (d/n) watched, her eyes, for a reason she didn't know, tearing.

'Mamma,' She thought with a happy heart, watching her expression.

She'd never seen her mother so happy.

She never even knew she could glow so much.

She didn't quite understand why, but she felt so happy, jumping in between them to hug them both tightly, the little girl not wanting to let go of either parent any time soon.

Leone Abbacchio x Reader Oneshots // DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now