Abba being an Overprotective Big Brother

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Thoughts are italics in quotations = 'Example'

Flashbacks are in italics = Example

Word Count: 365

Abbacchio Being Overprotective of his Younger sister.

" Listen to me you little shit, I catch you even turning your nose her way again and I'll fucking bury you alive and watch the replay of you suffocating on a loop, do I make my self clear?" Abbacchio said darkly, all while his hands fisted the younger's top, causing Mista to sweat bullets, his head shaking furiously at the threat.

"No need to say it twice, I got it!" He said hastily, trying to speak over Narancia's outburst of amusement while he cackled the whole time, doubling over with a hand pressed to his stomach to alleviate the pain that came forth from all the merriment.

"I don't know why you're laughing, this includes you too," the silver-haired male said while quickly whipping his eyes towards the other teen, his hand letting loose of Mista before he began to approach the other dark-haired male,

"Understood Narancia?" He spoke while glaring hazardously.

"Wouldn't dream of it!" Narancia peeped with crossed arms.

"-It goes for all of you," Leone said while addressing every other man in the room, his arm whipping back, causing his index finger to point at all of the other members of his gang, even his own capo.

At that, Bruno raised his dark brow, a flat glance shot at Abbacchio.

"All of you..." Leone said once more, muttering the words with less vice while he strutted towards the door, passing Giorno along the way.

The sight of the golden-haired male caused his flame to rise yet again, his teeth tightening,

"...Especially you," He added flatly, not turning back, leaving the youth to stare back blankly at him, not knowing just what he walked into.

There was a pregnant silence before Pannacotta Spoke, bursting the quiet bubble,

"You idiot!" Fugo snapped, the bottom of his hand aimed at the back of Mista's head,

"Why in the hell would you hit on her right in front of him? Much more, that's not how you speak to a damn woman!" He went on, letting loose of the second wave of aggression onto the cheeky gunslinger.

"Yeah you dumbass!" Narancia added all the while Giorno caught on, sighing into his hand as it held his face.

Little Bonus ( You can ignore it if you want) :

Pairing: Bruno Bucciarati x Reader | Word count: 177

During then (f/n) quietly snuck back in, her (e/c) colored eyes peeled to catch sight of her brother just in case he popped up again,

"Bruno!" She whispered, hoping to only catch his attention, waving him over just as his eyes landed on her.

It was subtle, but a little smile played at his lips as he crept back towards the wall, easing his way out of the room of chatting men as they attacked Mista, taking jabs at him for setting off the brooding male.

"Dear," Bruno murmured, dragging her into the closet, his lips landing over hers as he spoke, " My dear..." he uttered while his hands dragged over her cheeks to devotedly kiss her.

"We shouldn't sneak around," He told her, pulling her collar down, revealing little angry bites that would soon be accompanied by newer, fresher little nibbles.

"I know," She answered back, a breathy sigh following her words while she trailed her hands down his shoulders and onto his biceps.

-They knew they shouldn't sneak around, and yet, they did.

Leone Abbacchio x Reader Oneshots // DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now