Mind Your Own Business

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Thoughts are italics in quotations = 'Example'

Flashbacks are in italics = Example

Word Count: 1241

Abbacchio being Jealous, overprotective and chasing guys away, all while still being in denial.

- I love the whole trope where he just can't admit that maybe he has a thing for her. It's my cup of tea.

Mind Your Own Business

Leone felt a fire burn within him as he seared holes into her body, glaring at the woman the same way a mountain lion would a grazing fawn during its stalk, right before it pounced.

There wasn't anyone in the world who got under his skin as successfully as she did, the thought of her tormenting him even while he stayed at a safe distance, steering clear from her.

'She's so damn annoying,' He thought to himself, all while he continued to stare at her, his gaze heated.

Tensely biting his lip, he watched her bend over the round table, attempting to wipe down the surface as a pastime.

Occasionally, she helped out around the restaurant, doing small, minimal things to not just sit around, all of which the staff greatly appreciated and welcomed.

It was almost closing time, and only one customer remained.

Last (f/n) remembered his waiter had brought him the check, meaning that it was a perfect time to tidy up without the chance of slowing down business.

Determinedly, she wiped in firm circles, moving closer to the center, stretching her body to give each inch of the surface the proper attention, and all the while, the little skirt she wore rose.

Abbacchio shifted, growing even more annoyed by her, and what was much more, her idiotic carelessness.

" Damn puttana," He grumbled, his eyes straying aside, drifting off from the alluring sight of her thighs as they were flashed to him, the little frills of her skirt just barely covering her taunt cheeks as she had the nerve to sway her hips from left to right, mindlessly swaying to the little melody in her head.

- Sometimes he wondered if she did it purposely, if she so happened to be so sensual to get a rise out of him, because it was almost impossible to think otherwise.

He tried to keep his eyes off but, yet again, they gravitated towards her, a thick wad of spit traveling down his throat as he caught sight of a teasing, little peek of her panties.

And in all of his poor attempts to stray his gaze from her, he found himself attentive to something else besides her,

' - You can't be serious,' The long-haired male thought while he focused his sight on the other man as he, too, watched her closely.

'Him again,' Abbacchio thought to himself, abruptly standing with tightened fists, striding over to the man who'd made himself a regular, coincidentally during the time she'd started spending more time around the restaurant.

'He comes in almost every damn day, and he's always last to go.' He reminded himself, watching as the other male kept his eyes glued to (f/n), not even noticing Leone as he advanced towards him.

'I know just what you're thinking. I know damn well what's running through your head,' He brooded accusingly along the way.

He didn't think twice before slamming a hand down to the gawking man's table, the glass of half-empty wine spilling over as the rest of the plates clattered, " Show's over stronzo," The mafioso said icily, making the other male jump, also causing (f/n) to spring up in surprise at the sudden noise.

"W-what ...What are you talking about ?," The other man said while his face glowed angrily, embarrassed, and utterly ashamed, fidgeting even moreso as he saw (F/n) looking on.

Leering down, and coming closer to the man, Leone's lips stretched into a malicious grin, his face devoid of any good nature, " I said the show's over." He said lowly, "And I hope you enjoyed it because it's the last time I want to see you around here," He added, his grin dying down, waiting for any sign of hostility, wanting a reason to pummel the man.

He could see the sweat that traveled down his forehead as well as caught sight of the little tremor that ran through him during the threat because he'd been well aware of just who'd approached him.

It took him a second after the shock resided, but then it clicked, causing any of the lividness that threatened to overtake the other man to die down, already knowing the consequences that would come if he dared to mess with anyone of Passione.

The dark-haired male that was still sitting lightly bowed his head in what seemed to be shame, moreso humility as he spoke,

"I didn't know she was your wo-"

"- She is." Leone said firmly, cutting the other man off with the blatant lie.

Silence soon followed while Abbacchio went back to his own table, his eyes following the other male as he paid for his meal, leaving without a say or a turnaround.

And at that point, Abbacchio was certain it would be the last time he'd ever see the other man again.

Sitting down, the light-haired male released a low sigh, one that deflated him as he tried to calm down his racing heart, attempting to unknot the mess of his intestines as he dwelled over the entire exchange, and much more what had started it all.

He had already grown weary of that annoying little feeling that spiked and sent him into autopilot.

He hated how irrational he grew.

He despised how easy it was for her to play him, all while pretending to be innocent.

"It's all her damn fault," He muttered, knowing that it wasn't the last guy he'd have to threaten, having already gone through three others in the past. "At this rate, this damn place is gonna shut down," He added while he palmed his face, slowly dragging it down its length with frustration before he let it fall to his side.

'If she wasn't so damn...damn ... annoying!' He thought while desperately trying to justify himself.

" - You alright abba?" (f/n) then asked with concern, slowly approaching, attentively watching as his tightened jaw moved, teeth grinding against either as she stepped closer to him, her (e/c) colored eyes showing concern while the rest of her face was in the same sweet, unsuspecting worry.

He clicked his teeth once before he maundered over the question,

'Your damn skirt's too damn short,' he started off, ' You're showing your ass off,' He went on, annoyed, ' Your panties leave so little to the imagination you skank,' He thought while he closed his eyes tightly, and by doing so having the teasing mental image of the (color) little piece that graciously hugged the voluminous curves, the cut being so racy it nearly gave him the full sight of her rounded cheeks.

'You making me fucking hard,' He complained in dismay, ' I just want to bend you over that very table,' Leone thought while his hands clutched his knees, his nails digging into them as he tried to calm himself.

'Fuck... I want to tear those panties off of you...

Lift up that little skirt and...-'

" - Mind your damn business," he grumbled causing (f/n) to hang her head, a soft blow of air making her bangs fly up.

Why the hell did he always have to stay with her if he didn't have the intention to talk with her, or even help for that matter?

"Oh well..." she grumbled in defeat.

'I just don't get him,' She thought helplessly because as much as he liked complaining about her, he sure liked to lounge around her, and it was confusing as hell when she tried to figure him out.

Leone Abbacchio x Reader Oneshots // DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now