Abbacchio Finding Out About A Secret Child With The Reader

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Reader insert // Your name // (Y/n)

Daughter's name // (D/n)

Thoughts are italics in quotations = 'Example'

Flashbacks are in italics = Example

Word Count : 3031 

Abbacchio Finding Out About A Secret Child With The Reader

Abbacchio stared down at the picture in his grip, and as he did, his hand trembled the entire time he tried to properly hold it, wanting to avoid having it fall out of his shaken grasp.

"She just turned three," he read, trailing his eyes over the words.

He instantly recognized the familiar writing scribbled on the white back of the image as he'd turned it over during his inspection of it, and it only made him feel more uneasy as he read the message out loud,

"Three..." Leone breathed softly.

He felt his heart tighten, and lifelessly, he let the photograph fall onto the desk, joining more which lay scattered across the surface.

"Three years," he said to himself, his hands both slowly rising, pressing over his face as he sought to think rationally, attempting to pull himself together before he said something stupid, or much worse, picked a fight that quite possibly wasn't even there to take part of,

"It just...No...There has to a explanation," He maundered incoherently.

He tried hard to keep himself together, but it was hard to when every bit of him shook with recollection of the memories that came forth, from the lovely ones that he kept locked in his chest, to the miserable ones that followed after his joy slipped through his fingers.

'I miss those days,' He thought to himself, remembering her and the little things that had made his life feel worthwhile.

Her (h/c) hair felt soft as it slipped through his fingers, the little knotted bits eased loose by his gentle tugs,

"I wish my hair was like yours," (f/n) mused, a small smile over her as she did the same with his own much longer strands of periwinkle, "It's beautiful," she breathed, her eyes on it as she watched it slip between her fingers, every strand that flowed over her hand being soft and feathery,

'If we ever have a child,' she silently mused, her (e/c) colored eyes rising to gaze up at him, 'I'd want them to look just like you,' She thought with certainty, having always perceived the man to be beautiful, far surpassing her in every sense.

'Especially your eyes.' She added as she found herself locked with them, ' Of all things, I'd love for them to have your eyes rather than mine,' She thought with certainty, having thought about it so many times before, because all in all, there wasn't anyone else she'd love to settle down with.

But it wasn't like she could openly tell him she had been ready to settle down and have a family, not when he didn't seem so ambient about being in an actual relationship to begin with.

Granted, they'd had their sweet moments, but she was well aware that truly, they meant nothing but one thing ;

He didn't want to be lonely,

not truly alone at least.

Meanwhile, during her inner musing, he let a placid smile overtake him, hidden, yet present as he played with her hair, not having had a mind to do anything else but lay with her and enjoy the end of the day together.

Leone Abbacchio x Reader Oneshots // DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now