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Word Count: 1711

Warning: This Is a continuation of ' Abbachio finding out about secret child.'

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(f/n) did her best to give her daughter the world, forcing herself to show the world a smile that truly didn't match up with her heart, all for her child's sake.

Because, while Leone had broken her own heart, it was no reason to let her own child go through the same wretched pain.

'You'll never know he rejected you.' (f/n) mused, watching her little girl as she opened up her eyes to her mother, the baby releasing little whimpers that begged for attention,

'You'll never know the feeling...' The woman then thought to herself, all while eyeing the beautiful golden orbs which were nearly identical to the mafioso's own gaze.

"It breaks my heart to see know that you'll more than likely be the spitting image of him, and not just what I see now," She started,

" But his smile as well...

His way of seldom...

Even his way of chewing...

- All the stupid little habits he'd acquired throughout the years," (f/n) chuckled with tears in her eyes, "I can already tell that you'll somehow be just like him." she mused.

"In fact, I might just break down the first time you curse at someone!" She added, all while laughing, amused at her own stupidity.

" Oh, My love, When you take your first bite of Margherita Pizza... I just know you'll love it too! It'll be your favorite! " (f/n) then said while throwing her head back, "...And I'll just think of Leone," She murmured while still facing up at the ceiling, her eyes momentarily closed as she thought of the man.

" I'll think of the silly way he'd accidentally take a bite of his own hair, which is just so similar to yours my dear..." She said with the same touch of softness, saddened eyes gazing up at the roof,

" I'll cry my eyes out when you beg me to teach you how to make it...



he'd taught me how to make it just right!" she said while the tip of her index and thumb met, the universal signal of perfection being made,

"I couldn't eat anyone else's besides your papa's classic recipe... as silly as it sounds," She admitted, trailing her gaze back down to her sweetly gurgling angel.

" Oh (d/n)... I'll break down...

I just know it." She said with certainty, the pads of her fingers trailing down the side of (d/n)'s chubby cheek,

" I just hope you never see it, and if you do catch a glimpse of my tears...I hope you never remember them." She said with melancholy.

"I'd pray you never ask about him...but I know that eventually, you will." She said with a small grimacing grin,

" I know one day you'll ask why every other child gets to have both parents, all while your mother remains the same lonely fool I am now," (f/n) said while shaking her head,

"Please...don't hate me," (f/n) breathed, " Please just... whatever you do...

Don't hate me.

Leone Abbacchio x Reader Oneshots // DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now