Abbacchio's Daughter meeting Giorno

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(related to Abba's secret child and returning home)

word count: 1422

 Abbacchio's Daughter meeting Giorno because why not?

"Why hello there," Giorno said with a soft smile, kneeling before the little girl with welcoming kindness, offering her the gentle, genuine upturn, "And who might you be?" He asked her with the same tenderness, already knowing who she was, as well as what she was doing there.

Instantly, (d/n)'s face blossomed with a new color, staring at the man with eyes that refused to blink, the golden orbs wide as she stared at the man in awe.

The little hand that was wrapped around (f/n)'s fingers suddenly squeezed tighter and with worry, (f/n) came down too, getting only a small glimpse of her daughter's face before she began to giggle, quickly understanding,

'I've never seen her act this way,' She mused, finding the rather bubbly girl to be bashfully stricken down. 'My sweet little girl,' She mused, finding it sweet, subduing her little chuckles to properly introduce the two,

"(D/n), this is a good friend of mamma and papa's," (f/n) told her child, her hand gestured towards the man before them.

"Giorno Giovanna," Giorno introduced himself, being patient with (d/n), taking her shyness to be natural, thus remaining unbothered by it in the least, because by the same age, he'd been much more withdrawn.

"Giorno... " (d/n) said back, her eyes glittering as she gazed up at him, entranced by the long golden strands that fell past his shoulders, and much more, fixed upon his green eyes, the color being so beautiful to her she couldn't stop staring.

Her little heart raced, a rather strange feeling coursing through her, making her not want to look away from the lovely person, because he seemed just so ethereal and perfect.

Shaking her head with a disbelieving amusement, (f/n) smiled, " She's a bit shy right now." She said with a little chuckle, " There are so many new people around...It's a lot to take in..." She trailed off, earning an understanding nod.

"It's understandable," Giorno told her, needing no more say, "I'm just glad I was able to find you," He said to her, once again up to his full height, the woman mimicking his actions and following in suit to properly speak to him,

"I wanted to see you in person, just in case you decided to leave after all," He added, causing (f/n) to chuckle,

"Really? Don't tell me you missed me that much?" (f/n) asked teasingly, causing him to release a small sound of amusement as well,

"Very," he answered back,"...But not nearly as much as he has," He said while not naming the certain someone,

" I don't think I've ever seen him so...well..." Giorno said with a little hum of contemplation trying to find the right words,

"-Complete." He finally decided.

" Not to mention; it's been so long since I've seen any type of enthusiasm in him, not even a tease of it. And then about a month or two ago it's like he found a reason to smile." he further explained, " It's no doubt because of you. And of course this lovely little lady too," He said while briefly looking at (d/n) again, his vibrant eyes flashing down to her for just a second, causing the girl to suddenly fidget.

"All in all, I'm glad you're back, " He admitted. " And It's good to know you're alright," He said to her,

"When you have time, I'd love to have a moment with you to catch up," he said with certainty, causing her to nod in agreement,

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