Stay Back

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Word count: 3229

Thoughts are italics in quotations = 'Example'

Flashbacks are in italics = Example

After the fight With Illuso, Abbacchio can no longer hold back 

 Stay Back

 His glazed, golden eyes stayed trained right ahead as his body sluggishly slumped over the brick wall. He struggled to stay upright, somehow pushing past the overbearing pain for just a moment longer as the strength of the human spirit coursed on within his tired, worn being long after he'd accepted his fate.

Like a traveling sludge, he'd left a sticky trail behind, one that would be evidence of his sacrifice, all of which would be the only thing left behind aside from his cold carcass,

And he was fine with things being left as they were; so long as the mission was a success.

After all, they'd gotten the key, and as messy as things got, it was a win in his book.

' That's all that matters... ' he thought with content, struggling to breath, his sight beginning to blur as occasional little black splotches scattered across his hazy vision,

"Yeah...At least... At least I did that right," he thought with a snicker, albeit a rather bitter one, humored that while his life had been a waste, he'd done just one thing successfully,

'But...there's just one thing...' he thought to himself, chuckling wearily at the recollection of a rather dejected face he'd last seen, deeply wishing that hadn't been his last memory of her, but somehow grateful that it was, because then he could live on with the idea that he died with her resentment.

And maybe then, she wouldn't miss him. Maybe then he'd only be an ugly memory she'd be willing to forget, finally getting it through her head that he wasn't ever worth the worry.

"Just stay back!" he barked at her, looking back at her with hardened golden eyes narrowed fiercely at her as she tried to leave along with them.

"Keep watch if you want to feel useful," he said in an offhand sort of manner, making her face fall, disheartened.

(e/c) colored eyes then hardened as he followed up with more expected backlash, the woman visually preparing herself for his sharp tongue, swallowing it all down with a quiet nod.

"Why the hell Bucciarati insisted on you coming... it's a mystery to me." He said lowly, completely turning from her by then, not sparing her another glance after the uttered words.

Frowning, Giorno stepped towards her, his hand raised to touch her slumped shoulder before she shook her head, immediately perking,

"Okay!" She agreed, "I'll stay here!" She chirped, "Abba's Right," She went on, "Besides, I wouldn't want to get in the way," She added, an undertone of hurt weaved through the façade she put on.

"So you guys go ahead. I'll take care of things here."

All the while her eyes were stuck on the other man's back, watching as he drew further, his shoulders squared and tense as he went in search for the important item, the other two males following in suit, though seeming just as exasperated as her at the elder man's choice of words.

"I'll have a talk with him," Fugo said softly as he walked past her, offering her a lax, apologetic grimace of a smile.

'You always do,' (f/n) mused, smiling back nonetheless, finding his effort to help her to be sweet, yet futile because it never changed anything.

Leone Abbacchio x Reader Oneshots // DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now