Unplanned and Unexpected

516 11 1

Word count: 3688

- Reader likes kids// wants kids// is loved by them.
- Abba being Abba, so kinda sulky in a way. ( poor thing needs love.)

Unplanned and Unexpected

The idea of a child to Leone had been unpalatable.

Perhaps the Younger version of himself that had been fresh off of the academy would have considered it.

Back then he had been young and stupid, so the idea of having a child, a wife...a family of his own.

- It had all been a possibility to him, maybe even an aspiration of his.

Fast forwarding, it had all changed, and the bright, inspiring colors of the world became bleak.

Once he was out and into the real world his views had changed drastically because he saw it for what it truly was, filthy and corrupt.

And even the sight of children made him recoil.

As unbothered as he'd been with them before, he now detested being near them.

Suddenly, the same children that would happily wave to him as he and his partner patrolled the neighborhood were the same ones that then made him curl his soft painted upper lip in disgust.

He couldn't help the grimace he made when kids came too close, or when they even had the nerve to get near and ask him stupid questions.

" - No! " he didn't want to see whatever stupid, little shit they had in their hand and wanted to offer him.

He didn't want to take what was in the sticky, grubby little thing, and he really didn't care how far along they could count.

How the hell was that even a feat when they could barely make it past 6?

" When I grow up... I want to be an officer too!" the little, dark haired boy said with a large smile, his grin stretching wide and at his side his mother smiled, cheering him on, all as Leone stared blankly at them.

Deadpan, he continued to stare down at the boy, because he had no idea what was ahead of him

'Good fucking luck,' Leone thought sourly as he watched them go, back to their blissful lives, while he, in turn had to go back to his meaningless title.

- the same one some dumb brat thought was worth dedicating his life to.

It was later that day, after that bitter musing that he remembered that when he was just a kid too, he'd had the same dream.

Leone Abbacchio had wanted to be a police officer since he'd been a child.

To protect.

To defend.

- To make the world a better place.

Just thinking about a filthy, little hand tugging at his hair now made him taste something sour.






So...how was it that he'd managed to end up with you?

Because it's like you'd been made to have kids.

Without a doubt if anyone was meant to be a mom, it was you.

The way you smiled at each one you passed was just frustrating. And the way they instantly brightened at your kindness was just as infuriating because it made him think about how much your own child would love you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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