Chapter 19- Maybe

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Amy's POV
I woke up well before Jake. That was still the best night of sleep I've had in a while. I wasn't mad at Jake, I would've been mad if he woke up well before me. Him, Rick, Daryl, and Shane have done so much for the group for our safety, I expected them to be tired.

I woke up Tommy and gave him a bath. I missed doing that, you don't realize the small things till they're gone... Like Gabby, I thought and prayed for her every night. I missed my little girl and I just hope God's taking care of her up there.

When I walked out of the bathroom, I dressed Tommy and noticed Jake stir in his sleep and then slowly wake up.

"Sleep well?" I asked.

"Best night I've had since this all started." He replied. "I know the doctor said take it easy on the hot water, but I'm gonna shower again."

"Hold up, I'll give Tommy to Lori and I'll join you!" I winked at him and hurriedly ran to put Tommy in Lori's care. I ran back to Jake and noticed the lights were dimmed. This was gonna be a fun morning, I smiled to myself.

Carol's POV
I wish me and Daryl were a thing already. It seemed that he liked me, I wasn't sure though. Whenever I glanced at him, he would be looking at me, smiling, and I would blush.

He was such a gentleman, the way he seemed to care for Sophia and I, he was better than Ed...

I was sure I wanted to be with Daryl, I wish I got to know Tyreese, he was such a gentleman too, and he seemed to be trying to make a move on me, before he left. He was probably scared of rejection. I honestly don't know who I would've picked, I've had a crush on Daryl since he stopped aiming that crossbow at me, but Tyreese made me feel as if he actually wanted me. It was a damn shame he left...

The reason I stayed with Ed over the years, even when I figured out what he did with Sophia, the beatings weren't as bad as that, but I feared the thought of being alone. And here I was, alone. If either of them asked to be with me, I wouldn't refuse, I'll take what I can get. At least I trust Daryl.

But honestly, I couldn't think of starting a new relationship. I just lost Ed not too long ago, even though he was a narcissistic, misogynistic, pedophiliac asshole who didn't deserve all the happiness he got out of life. I also still had Sophia to take care of, I worried about her all the time and I don't know if I'd be able to worry about her and another man in my life. That would be too stressful.

Daryl's POV
We all sat at the kitchen table, well except Jake and Amy. I wish I could have something like they have, but with Carol, but I was so afraid of her rejecting me so I wanted to wait for the perfect time.

We kept stealing glances and smirks towards each other. Honestly, I think I'm gonna ask to be with her soon, but I was too afraid at the thought of her saying no, and all my hope diminishing.

"Remind me never to drink again." Glenn moaned, making me chuckle. I would never admit it, but it was good to see everybody having a good time.

Then I looked at Carol, and I thought about trying my chances with her. There I go again, letting her distract me.

Shane walked in, taking me away from my thoughts.

"Feel as bad as I do?" Rick asked him.

"Worse." he answered.

"What the hell happened to you?" T-dog asked him, talking about his now noticeable scratch on his neck.

"Must've done it in my sleep." Shane answered. I knew he was lying. I could see through his bullshit, he was a terrible liar for being a cop.

"Never seen you do that before." Rick spoke up.

"Me neither." Shane said as he looked at Lori. Something obviously happened between them. It was no secret something was going on between them and then Rick showed up to our camp when Glenn and a few others came back from a run. It was none of my business though, I was only worried about Carol now.

Next to come in was Jake and Amy, grinning from ear to ear. Their hair was wet, so obviously were messing around, making me laugh inside. Out of everyone, I was happier to see them happy, well, besides Carol

Then Dr. Jenner came in a short while after.

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