Our beginning

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Of course the beginning of this story starts in an aesthetic cafe ✋🙄

Y/n had been having a bad day so you went to your local, very aesthetic vibey coffee shop because getting coffee always cheers you up no matter what.

As you entered the barista goes "hey y/n! The usual?" 

You suppress a little smile and say yes

Your favourite barista, Matt comes over with your order and sits beside you "bad day y/n?"

You respond with a nod while drinking your coffee, Matt then said "wow it seems like a really bad day for you, I thought I was having a bad day when a Karen came in and came at me for my painted nails".

You look at his colourful nails and compliment him. "Awww thank you y/n" you guys are chatting when all of a sudden out of no where this beautiful girl comes into the coffee shop. You've never seen her before but your mesmerised by her. Matt says "oop that's my queue to leave y/n see you around!" 

You say bye to him as you watch him go behind the counter to serve this mysterious mesmerising girl, you look around the coffee shop looking for any spare seats but there doesn't seem to be any. You imagine if she came and asked to sit next to you as that's the only spare seat in the shop but then you realise that'd probably never happen. Then you plug your headphones in and start reading a book.

The girl has finished ordering and received her order, she's looking for a spare seat and spots the one right opposite you and comes over. "Hey is it okay if I sit here?" You just stare blankly at her because your so mesmerised she says "oh this seats probably taken, sorry for wasting your time". Then you quickly shout "no, no this seats not taken sorry I just zoned out, hope I didn't creep you out".

She thanks you and sits down, you both keep shooting each other quick glances and your just thinking about how pretty she is but little did you know she's thinking the same about you. "What's your name" she's says quickly "my name's y/n what about you?" You say equally as fast. "Ooh that's a really pretty name, my name's Claire" she says with a little smile then you say "omg that's such a pretty name" and you both just smile at each other dumbly but it's cute.

You guys are silent again and shooting each other glances then Claire says "whatcha listening to y/n?" You respond with "I'm listening to that song by the Wallows it's called are you bored yet, in my opinion the best song for sunset and it's just beautiful" you say while doing a chefs kiss. She suppresses a little cute giggle and is like "omg I love that song" and you offer her one of your earbuds and she happily takes it and scoots a bit closer to you. Then that one bit comes up where the girl starts singing and you say "ooh the best bit is here, an artist called Clairo is singing this bit, I've only listened to a couple of her songs but their beautiful she has such a good voice, I don't even know what she looks like but I imagine she's beautiful".

Claire blushes a bit but you don't think anything of it then Claire says "oh no y/n I have to go it was lovely meeting you, could I have your number?" You pass her your phone and she types her phone number into your phone and calls herself the girl you met in the aesthetic coffee shop. She says "Bye y/n hope to see you soon" as she runs out the coffee shop and you just wave like and idiot but once again it's cute.

For the rest of the day your left thinking about her..

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