The second dream

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Your in a deep sleep and your dreaming it's like the first dream you had but a little bit different...

Claire is performing in front of a big crowd and her band is behind her playing instruments. She then calls you up on stage. She calls you up on stage and says really sweet things about you and she hands you an electric bass guitar you start playing the chords to bags really well, your standing right beside her hugging and giving quick cheek kisses to each other and the crowd is cheering loudly.

Then after bags is finished she turns to you and gets down on one knee and says "y/n I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me?" The crows is cheering loudly like really loudly your smiling ear to ear like an idiot and nod your head and said yes and she quickly stands up and hugs you tightly.

An alarm starts going off, remember last time how you imagined Claire was beside you waking up. Well this time you aren't imagining it..

You wake up and your arms are around Claire and Claire is lying on your chest. You look shocked and are frozen you can't say anything. Then Claire wakes up and looks equally as shocked, you both say good morning.

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