The coming weeks and the one particular party

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It's been about two months since you last saw and spoke to Clairo. The university is a wonderful place and your enjoying the course your taking, the social aspects of it though haven't been the best. You share your dorm with Lizzie and quite a few of her friends, you knew a couple of them from earlier years like high school and so. But most of them you don't know and you don't really like them.

Most of them just care about popularity and are boring, you miss Claire so much and this doesn't help you take your mind off her it just makes it worse. Over the course of these two months they make you go to millions of parties and drag you along, if you try and get out of it and don't go they won't let you live. Most of the time the parties are held in the same bit so you make yourself comfy on the upstairs balcony outside and sit there until the parties over (these parties take forever to finish).

On one particular evening your heading to a party and Lizzie asks "same spot as usual?" You nod without saying anything. Lizzie is still nice to you but you just feel like somethings changed and her and all her friends are just chatting, giggling and gossiping and as soon as you reach the front door all of them lot head out into the party and you walk up the stairs to the comfy, quiet balcony you claimed.

Your going to the balcony but you stop all of a sudden as you see another girl sitting there and your unsure of what to do. All of a sudden the girl speaks.

Girl: "Hello?"

Your silent for a couple seconds and then you manage a

Y/n: "h- hi, sorry if I scared you I am going to head back down"

Girl: "no it's fine stay!"

Y/n: "thank you"

Girl: "do you like the parties?"

Y/n: "no, not really my friends just drag me along and I'm always by myself most of the time"

Girl: "Oh my god same here and they try and get me to come for the experience, but honestly it sucks"

Y/n: "Oh my god I know right"

Girl: "honestly it's so annoying and then they don't let you live"

Your starting to think I really like this girl she's a whole mood

Y/n: "Oh my god same, your a whole mood"

You both chuckle

Y/n: "I'm basically up here in this balcony every night, I've never seen you before"

Girl: "I'm not really here to often"

Y/n: "Oh that's cool"

Your still standing where you were when you got up here and the girl notices that

Girl: "come, come sit down"

Y/n: "thanks"

You approach to where the girl is sitting and you plonk yourself right beside her, you both make eye contact and realise..


Girl: "OH MY Y/N?"

You both tackle each other in a ginormous hug and she kisses your cheek

Y/n: "God am I glad to see you"

Claire: "Same here y/n"

Y/n: "I didn't even know you went to uni! Let alone here"

Claire: "ouch shall I take that as an insult, it slipped my mind that I never told you and your one to talk"

You both laugh

Y/n: "I know, I'm sorry I couldn't bring myself to it"

Claire hugs you again 

Claire: "I understand.. let's get out of here"

You both leave the house

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