Claire's place

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Your inside Claire's place at last

Claire: "Make yourself at home my lady"

You laugh and Claire smiles, you walk up to Claire and embrace her in a warm hug

Y/n: "I really missed you Claire"

Claire puts her arms around you

Claire: "I really missed you as well y/n"

You guys just hug for a while in silence taking it in and then Claire breaks the silence

Claire: "You want anything to eat or drink? Are you cold?"

Y/n: "Claire I am fine"

You hug her tighter and she does the same once again it's silence after a long while you both part away and smile. You both end up sitting on the couch with snacks and chat the whole night but then you fall asleep around 5am in the morning...

You wake up quite late sometime in the late afternoon. You wake up feeling quite refreshed and energetic, you look around at your surroundings and realise you fell asleep in Claire's living room. You move to get up but then you realise someone's arms are around you and you realise who it is..

She slowly wakes up and looks at you and you look back at her, both in silence and somewhat shock.


Claire: "Y/n honestly it's fine we must have fell asleep when we were talking and honestly it's the best sleep I have had in a while"

You both just look at each other and Claire gets a message from Marie (girl in red) and she picks up her phone to read it.

Claire: "It's Marie asking if we want to go and eat breakfast with her and Lizzie, wanna go?"

Y/n: "Sure but I look like a mess"

Claire: "Borrow something from me"

Y/n: "Really are you sure?"

Claire: "Of course"

You both get ready and head out the door

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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