The picnic date preparations

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Authors note: Hey everyone hope your well, sorry to bother you but the chapter after this one should be first and this should be after it. Sorry to be annoying but it didn't post properly.

Tomorrow rolls around quickly and your excited but nervous at the same time. You get all your food ready and then you get yourself ready you wear a sweater vest, with a smart top and a pair of light blue jeans and throw on a pair of converse.

You messaged Claire the following:

Y/n:Hey Claire meet me at *the name of the park* I heard it's really aesthetic and cute

Claire responds within 10 seconds and you think wow she's such a fast responder and she doesn't leave me on read, how lucky am I..

Claire: omg I'd always dreamed of someone taking me on a date there how romantic y/n, see you in 10?

You blush slightly

Y/n: awww how sweet Claire haha, see you in 10

You start making your way to the park

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