Confessions and a fancy dinner

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You quickly clean your apartment up and get ready. You wear a smart shirt with pants and smart shoes. An hour passes and Claire rings the doorbell, you quickly run to the door to greet her. Before hand you went out to buy her some flowers and a stuffed animal.

Y/n: "Hey Claire! Come in"

Claire: "Hey y/n nice to see you thanks"

Claire enters, she looks beautiful as usual

Claire: "Nice place y/n"

Y/n: "Thank you you look stunning as usual"

Claire blushes and smiles

Claire: "awww your to sweet y/n, you look amazing"

You smile hard, like an idiot but that's one of your most charming traits

Y/n: "Hey I bought you some stuff"

You hand her the flowers that you bought earlier (her favourite) and the stuffed animal

Claire: " aww thank you y/n you shouldn't have"

She puts the stuff on the counter and goes over to hug you. She hugs you tightly and you hug her tightly back, the hug lasts a while but you wished it lasted longer. You both separate and smile.

Claire: "your too sweet y/n, my ex could never match this"

When you and Claire first met you didn't rarely talk about her ex as it was a really sensitive subject.

Claire "I feel bad because I didn't buy you anything"

Y/n: "You don't need to, being around you is already a great gift"

She chuckles and smiles

Y/n: " I need to tell you something, I've been putting off telling you but I should tell you"

Claire looks worried 

Claire: "what's up y/n?"

Y/n: I've been accepted into my dream university.."

Claire hugs you and congratulates you

Claire: "omg y/n that's so good well done I'm so proud! If you'd told me sooner I would've thrown you a party!"

Y/n: "Thank you Claire"

Claire: "What's bad about it?"

You start crying and Claire comforts you and hugs you, she strokes you back softly. Through tears you say:

Y/n: "it's a good couple hours from here meaning I won't be able to see you often and I really enjoy spending time with you"

You start crying heavily again and Claire is completely silent, lost for words then she says:

Claire: "Y/n it will be alright we will make something work.."

She sounds like she's trying to convince herself. She puts her hands on your cheeks and wipes your face. You both look at each other in silence. Then someone is phoning you crazily and you see it's from Lizzie and she leaves a message saying I'm heading there now.

Claire sees and says "okay let's go" and you both get into her car and go there.

You meet Lizzie outside the restaurant, you all go in and sit at your reserved table and Lizzie and Claire start chatting they seem to be getting along really well. Your avoiding all eye contact with Claire because if you look at her you may cry and Claire's hoping you will look at her but you don't. Your just staring at the door no one has come in for at least 30 minutes then all of a sudden a familiar face comes in.. 

It's Matt! Your so glad to see him he's looking around and he spots you, Claire and Lizzie and comes over.

Y/n: "Hey Matt! What are you doing here?"

Matt: "I'm on a date with you know who"

Lizzie, Claire and you: "so proud Matt"

Matt: "Thank you, I hope you enjoy your evening!"

Claire and Lizzie: "same to you"

You all chat for a while

Matt: "Lizzie and y/n so proud of you for getting in! Sad I won't be able to see you often anymore, when do you have to leave"

Lizzie: "Tomorrow early hours of the morning"

Claire looks shocked and sad

Matt: "That's sad, oop my dates here gotta run, good luck! You have my number if you need me while your away love you all"

You, Claire and Lizzie: "Bye"

Matt is near the entrance with his date, the boy from the coffee shop. I swear this coffee shop helps everyone find love. Like all of a sudden the door of the aesthetic coffee shop opens and bam there's the love of your life.

Claire and Lizzie start chatting again and then Lizzie asks if your okay because you've been quiet and you nod and you all have a conversation but you try and avoid speaking to Claire and avoid eye contact again. After you've eaten and everything you start to feel sick.

Y/n: "I am starting to feel a bit sick I think I'm gonna head home, nice seeing you both, bye"

Lizzie: "Bye y/n, oop look at the time I have to go it was lovely meeting you Claire and please never stop making music, what would I use to blast down the highway?"

Claire laughs and says "I promise I won't"

You all pay and you head out walking  speedily and Claire runs up to you and says:

Claire: "y/n why are you avoiding me? What did I do wrong?"

Y/n: "Nothing Claire just leave me alone"

Claire looks hurt and sad but you ignore it but deep down your cursing at yourself for saying that. Claire looks like she's about to cry but she wipes her eyes and says

Claire: "I'm not letting you go until you tell me what I've done"

You turn around and start crying again and she hugs you, you explain how your going to miss her and you apologise because you shouldn't have acted like that.She tells you it's okay and tells you to spend the night at her house so you agree. You get into her car once again and she drives you back to her house.

You step out of the car and in front of you is this amazing house you stare in awe and Claire says " do you like it? I designed it myself" you nod, your lost for words. She walks you to the door and opens it and tells you to come in.

She tells you to get some rest and takes you to a fancy bedroom and passes you one of her hoodies and a pair of sweats. You take them and thank her but in your head your so happy.She says goodnight to you, tucks you in and switches of the light. You fall asleep instantly.

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