A coffee shop date

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You get ready for the day as you get a message 

Claire: Morning y/n, hope you slept well and I know we only met up yesterday and I was wondering if you'd like to go to the aesthetic coffee shop. Coffee on me and consider it a date if you'd like to go :)

You think god she's so sweet and cute and message her back 

Y/n: Morning Claire I slept well thank you and yes I'd love to go meet me there in 5?


You get excited and get butterflies once again

You guys meet outside the shop and walk in together and there's Matt behind the counter

Matt: "Hey y/n and Claire hope your both well, the usuals?"

Yes please you both say at the same time and laugh

You get your drinks and sit by the window chatting

Matt comes over and sits with you and Claire, "I have a short break now, is it okay if I chill with you both?" You and Claire nod and say yes and you all chat for a while. After a good 10 minutes of chatting you say you need to use the restroom and quickly run in there and lock yourself in a cubicle.

You speak to your best friend Lizzie who's lesbian and you start messaging her

Y/n: Hey Lizzie Ik this is out of the blue but I think I've found the one for me and I know I always say I don't wanna date but it's serious..

You anxiously wait for a reply and after 2 minutes Lizzie replies

Lizzie: Hey y/n wow I never thought I'd live to see this day it must be serious, I think you should go for it whats their name?

Y/n: Claire.. Claire Cottrill

Lizzie: What a pretty name

Y/n: Also known as Clairo...


Y/n: You read it right..

Lizzie: omg omg I never thought this would ever happen omgggg I love her music so much. I'm so proud y/n you found a good person, you have any pictures?

You look back through your camera roll and you have lots of pictures with Claire most of them are blurry. But you pick out a cute picture of you both from the picnic date. You both a very close to each other, Claire is eating a chocolate strawberry while smiling and there's you smiling like an idiot but you know it's cute. So you send that to Lizzie.

Lizzie: omg you both are so cute

Y/n: haha thank you Lizzie hey I gtg bc I'm at a cafe with Claire and I've just locked myself in a cubicle and she's probably waiting for me lol.

Lizzie: omg y/n why'd u leave her go back out and apologise, try and spend loads of time with her

Y/n:Yeah ig ur right. Speak later?

Lizzie: For sure bestie. Now go back to Claire

Y/n: okay okay I will

You freshen yourself up and go back to Claire and Matt. You sit down again and Matt is saying something to Claire and you realise Claire is staring at you and you stare back at her for once you aren't looking away as soon as you make eye contact. It's a very cute moment and she gives you a big smile so you return one.

Then Matt realises your back and asks "what took you so long y/n? You okay?" You don't really know what to say so you just reply with "I wasn't feeling to well but I feel much better now" and smile. You guys talk a bit more and then a guy walks in and Matt blushes and you tease Matt then Matt says "I have to get back to work now, see you both around!"

Claire asks why Matt was blushing like a tomato and you explain Matt has a crush on this guy and he's had it for months and you both just laugh and stuff. You get a phone call and you try let it ring out then Claire says, "it's okay y/n pick up the phone I have to go anyways it was nice hanging with you, let's do this again?" You nod as you quickly get up and answer.

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