The picnic date

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You've made your way to the park and see Claire waving and you quickly run to where she's standing 

Claire: hiii y/n it's nice to see you again 

And she gives you a big hug

Y/n: omg it's so nice to see you as well again Claire 

You both smile at each other and look around for a nice spot, after 5 minutes of looking you find one. Claire is wearing a a smart shirt with a vintage Nike jumper on top with a pair of light blue jeans and a pair of what look like doc martens.

Claire: You look so good bestie 

Y/n: Omg says you

You pull out all the food you made and packed 

Claire: omg this all looks so aesthetic and delicious

You smile hard

Claire: y/n this all looks so beautiful I don't even wanna eat it 

You both laugh and dig in, you say "shall I play some music?" And Claire nods while eating a chocolate covered strawberry. You tell her about you listening to all of Clairo's music and still doesn't know what she looks like, Claire just chuckles and then you play diary 001 (Clairo's first ep).

Your just singing along to Flaming Hot Cheetos while Claire admires you from afar grinning and chuckling all at once. After you've finished playing diary 001 your looking what to play next and right next to you, you can hear two girls saying omg it's her, shall we say hi? And you just ignore them. They get up and start walking towards you and go over to Claire girl 1 says:

girl 1: "omg hi Clairo sorry to bother you but I'm such a big fan"

And the other girl is just squealing with happiness. Your just thinking wait- did she just say Clairo?

They ask for a picture and Claire takes a couple with them and they chat with her for a while and happy go on with their day. 

Claire: "sorry y/n what were you saying"

You don't even know what to say, your just at loss for words

Y/n: "Your fa-famous wait your clai- Clairo?"

Claire: "Yes I am, hope we can still be friends I didn't want to ruin this I'm sorry y/n"

You finally gain your ability to speak again

Y/n: "No honestly it's fine, I'm just so lucky to meet a pretty lady with a pretty voice"

Claire blushes bright red with a cheeky grin

Claire: "aww your too sweet y/n I could say the same about you"

Y/n: "if you don't mind me asking, how come you didn't tell me?"

 Claire: "it's a long story, most people have just used me in the past"

Y/n: "awww I'm sorry Claire, they really don't deserve you"

You scoot closer to her and hug her tightly, you both smile and continue eating the delicious variety of food.

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