chapter 4.

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Lena's pov

I was searching my library trying to find anything on fairies, Demons, angels, trolls. Just trying to find out what Kara is then I want to find out where she came from, however nothing matched Kara's power set. I was beginning to lose hope when I slightly tripped on something that was half hidden under the bookcase.

I picked it up to find it was a book on aliens. Lex had spoken about aliens before and how they are other beings like us however they have ability that we do not and live on other planets that we have never even seen before.

I went through the book trying to find anything similar to Kara when she soon came in and stood at my side."Your Highness! I was worried that you had been captured when you were not in your chamber." I turned to Kara and smiled. "Aw, you were worried about me?" Kara nodded her head. "Of course." I then set the book down at the index page and asked, "Kara, look through these names and see if anything comes back to your memory." Kara skimmed through the pages until she came to the letter K. "Kyrpton?" She said a little confused. "Do you remember it?" Kara nodded slowly so I turned to that page.

I began reading out loud to Kara because she did not know how all that well. "It is said that two of the strongest Kyrtonians will leave Kyrpton before a mass extinction. I looked to Kara worried. "So this means that my planet is dead..." Kara looked like she was about to burst into tears so I said. "Yes however there is another of you who got to survive, perhaps they could help you." Kara shook her head. "Perhaps, where do we find them?" I sighed before standing up tall and opening a secret door that led to my brother's old "lab" as he called it.

I walked into the room with Kara behind me before saying. "This was my brother's he would disappear for days down here, he was always talking about aliens. He might of been tracking the other kryptonian. Kara beamed before we went on a hurt for anything to do with Krypton. I soon found a map that had a strange s symbol with an x through it stamped all over our country. "I recognised the symbol. Without the x through it means hope. I think your brother was searching for the kryptonian."

We looked through my brother's diaries and I read about how he needed to find the one he called the Super Son. I looked at the map of our country plus the ones that borders it. "We must find him. This Super Son could be anywhere and being used for anything." I said as I stood up with Kara. "Together."


I just found out that who we all call Russian Kara in the show used the name Linda for her undercover name when she went to the U.S.A the name Linda was actually Kara's name in the comics when she was adopted and Kara Zor L was just her Kyrptonian name like everyone she met on earth called her Linda I find that crazy. But I get its the same with Super man his Kyrptonian name is Kar L but his earth name is Clark but that makes more sense cuz he was a baby! Kara came to earth at the age of 9 when Super man was an adult cuz of hyper sleep lol. So why did change her name? Weird man.

Anyway rant over bye.

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