Chapter 12.

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Lena's pov

I held Kara in my arms as we lay in the garden of our honeymoon home. I have never felt so a peace before, the sofa grass tickled my bare legs, my white summer dress only just passing my knees was not the sort of thing a Queen would wear so I have not since. I looked to Kara and kissed her nose before she opened her eyes again to look into my own. "Did you enjoy your nap honey?" I smiled into a chase kiss. "You should not of let me fall asleep." Kara answered back rather upset. "I am sorry honey. I love you." I rested my forehead against her's before Kara noticed the sun going down.

"We should head back inside before I gets dark." I said and sat up. Kara nodded her head before slightly flying to pick herself and me up. "Kara..." I said a little less confident than I usually am. "Yes, my love?" She answered before turning towards me.

"I-, do you know what vows are?" Kara shook her head as an answer to my question. "Well they are usually promises the a couple will make to eachother whilst they are getting married. However we could not do that since it was a royal wedding. So I would like to say the ones I wrote out to you now." Kara took my hands and I looked up to her.

We may have started in a wierd way, however you manage to make even work better,
I am so happy to have you as my wife I love you"

Kara smiled and kissed my lips before pulling me into her arms. "That was beautiful my love." We kissed eachother before before heading into the house. "Was it weird?" Kara laughed at my question. Of course not Lena.

After having dinner we cuddled on the bed until Kara fell asleep in my arms. Her warmth made everything feel so much calmer and softer. "I love you Kara." I said before slowly falling asleep myself.

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