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Once Donghyuck was done taking the pictures, he helped Renjun back into his sweatshirt for the second time that day and lead the boy back to the kitchen.

When they got there, the food was set out and ready for them to eat. They all sat down and Renjun chose the seat next to Kun.

Everyone was eating quietly until they all stopped at the sound of a giggle. Almost everyone's heads shot to the sound and see Renjun covering his mouth while giggling.

Renjun looked down at Kun's chair and let out giggles a the sight. "Did they give you a pink fold-out chair," the boy giggled out and uncovered his mouth to point to the chair.

Kun smiles at seeing Renjun happy but soon turns evil as he says, "are you making fun of me?" Renjun looked at the other while smiling and says, "yeah, that's kind of the point of me laughing at you."

Right before the four boyfriends' very eyes, they see Kun start to chase Renjun into the living room with a big smile adorned his face. None of them could lie and say that they didn't feel their hearts pick up at the sound of the Chinese giggling in such a cute way.

They can all hear laughter in the living room and smile at the sound of Renjun being happy.


Renjun yawns as he hugs himself around the older male. Kun let out a chuckle at how cute the boy is before standing up off the couch. He brings the boy to his bedroom and tucks him in before making his way out and closing the door quietly.

As he steps into the living room where everyone else was sat down, the blue-haired male smiles as he says with a fond look, "He still gets tired easily."

The other four nods at that before Yangyang speaks up, "how do you know him?"

Kun is slightly surprised by the question but the shock soon fades away. He sits down on the couch where he was once before and lets out a breath before explaining.

"I met him in my last year of college. He was a new Chinese transfer student entering his freshman year and I was appointed to help him around the campus. He was so cute when he first came here. He would get excited about the little things and always had a smile on his face. He was also so shy about everything but that hasn't changed much.

He was also a quick learner and barely needed my help after two weeks but still stayed around me. No matter how much I would tell him he was doing fine, he would always come to me for help.

But at the end of his second year of school, he got a boyfriend. He was so happy at the beginning of the relationship but slowly started to stop talking to me.

After about half a year into the relationship, he stopped talking to me and I just thought he moved on from our friendship. But I should have looked for him or tried to reach out to him. If only I knew what he was going through."

Yangyang could tell that Kun was beating himself up over this whole situation and moves to his side to hug him. "Kun, you could have never known that Renjun was going through so much. I also know Renjun is not going to blame any of this on you, so you shouldn't either," he said as he looks the other in the eye to let him know he was being serious.

Kun only nods at the boy before turning to Donghyuck, "I would like to thank you for getting Renjun to open up to you. He needs people by his side right now."

Donghyuck only nods and says, "I want to help him so much, we all do." He then gestures to everyone around the room. They all nod in agreement at the boys' statement.

Jaemin then speaks up from the other couch, "actually, we want to get closer to him for other reasons too. We think he might be the missing part of this relationship."

Kun nods at that with a smile and says, "you have my consent. I can tell by the way he looks at all of you that he is very fond of you guys. I just want to warn you, if I hear one thing about his heart being broken, your all going to die."

They all felt themselves pail at that because Kun used his mother's voice at that and they know he wasn't kidding or exaggerating in any way.

"We will treat him with the utmost respect," Donghyuck said as he raised one hand in the air and the other over his heart in promise. The other three follow him and look at Kun with genuine eyes.

Kun let out a sigh and says, "okay, but I want you guys to wait till after everything with his ex is handled. I don't want him to be pushed with too many emotional events at once.

The four around the living room nod at what he says before Jeno finally says, "I will take him to the police station tomorrow because I have a day off work."

Everyone else agrees to that and Yangyang walks Kun out and down to his car. The whole ride down the elevator and walk out to the parking garage is quiet until they are next to Kun's car.

"Yangyang, I can see that Renjun truly likes all of you but I want you to know something. He will not be the first one to admit it. Even before his ex, Renjun has always had low self-esteem and always put himself last. I want you to make sure he can be himself and not try to hide," Kun says as he looks to Yangyang.

The purple-haired boy nods at Kun and promises him. Kun nods and gets into his car and head out of the garage and onto the street. Yangyang waves him off and makes his way back up.


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