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Renjun laid in his bed and looked at the alarm clock next to his bed. It read 3:37 am and Renjun knows he should be asleep but can't stop thinking about what happened only two days ago.


Renjun was in his house cooking dinner for his boyfriend. He knows the other man would get angry if he was to come home to nothing to eat after work.

As Renjun finished setting the table, he heard the front door open and then close loudly. Renjun knew he had a bad day at work and only prayed that he wasn't in too bad of a mood.

He finished plating his food before making his way to the living room where the other was watching the TV.

"Dinners ready," he said as he stood next to the chair the man was sat in. He gets waved off and Renjun knows that means to bring his dinner into the living room. He grabs the plate and brings it back before handing it to the other.

The man takes the plate with no words and takes a look at the plate. He doesn't say anything until he throws the plate down in anger. Renjun flinched back at the loud noise of the plate breaking and backs up when the taller man stands up.

"I go to work all fucking day and work my ass off, just to come home to a Chinese meal," the man yells as he approaches Renjun with a look of hatred in his eyes.

Renjun ends up with his back against the wall and looks down in fear of making the other angrier. But that seems to do nothing because in the next moment, Renjun I'm on the floor holding his stinging cheek.

He isn't there long though because he lifts back up by a hand around his neck and is forced on the tips of his toes. "What do you have to say about ruining my night further?" He asks as he keeps his grip around the neck of the other no matter how much he struggled.

Renjun can only cry out a small sorry as he grabs the other arm with his hands to try and get it off of himself. The man only scoffs before throwing Renjun to the ground and muttering, "clean this mess up," and then leaving to the bedroom.

Renjun lets tears run down his face as he cleans the shards of glass up and the food. He silently puts the food away in the kitchen and makes his way back to the bedroom.

As he entered the bedroom, he looks at the other man and realized something he should have a long time ago. The man only uses Renjun as his punching bag and the blond knows he cannot live like this anymore.

So he hurriedly grabbed a small bag and started to pack away his possessions and clothes into it. He grabbed all the stuff that he could and made his way to the front door quietly. Then he remembered he will need money, so he leaves the bag by the door and goes to the bedroom once again to grab his boyfriend's, now ex's, wallet and gets some money out of it before heading back out the door.

Renjun ended up taking the bus to Seoul and didn't even think twice about where he was going to go.

He knocked on the house door while clutching his bag close to his chest and hoping the other still lived here. He hears footsteps on the other side of the door and then the door handle jiggling.

The door then opens to reveal Kun and Renjun can feel his eyes tearing up at the sight of the older.

Kun was about to yell at whoever woke him up so early in the morning but the words die on his tongue as he takes in the presence of Renjun, who he hasn't seen in a long time.

Kun was about to question why the other is suddenly showing up at his house but doesn't get the chance as he is tackled into a hug. Renjun begins to cry as he tightly wraps his arms around Kun and wraps his legs around the other too.

Kun is already in mom mode as he holds the younger up and tries to shush him in a calming manner. He grabs the bag the other dropped and closes the door.

Kun makes his way back up the stairs and to his bedroom as he continues to soothe the boy. He takes notice of how light the boy has become since he last saw the other but decided to not mention it as he had more important things to find out.

"Baby, why did you come so suddenly?" He asked as he rocked their bodies together on the bed from side to side.

Renjun lifted his head from the other shoulder and wiped at his face. That's when Kun noticed the bruise on the other cheek and another around his neck. "Oh my god, Renjun baby, who did this to you," Kun asked as he could feel anger boil in the pit of his stomach.

"M-my boyfriend," Renjun answers as he can feel himself start to have a hard time breathing. "Hey, come on, breath with me," Kun says as he sees the other start to go into a panic attack.

After a couple of minutes, Kun managed to get Renjun to calm down. Renjun fell asleep on the other shoulder not long after and Kun moves them to where they are both laying down now.

The only thing that Kun can think of at the moment was how angry he is at the man who did this to his baby. He is going to ask for an explanation tomorrow but for now, he lets Renjun sleep.


Renjun turns in the bed and grabs his Moonmin stuffy and cuddles it to his chest. He can feel himself start to silently cry at the memories of his boyfriend and in fear of the other finding him again.


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