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"Babe, is the guest bedroom ready?" Yangyang asked as he put his shoes on. Jaemin walked out of the said room and made his way over to the Chinese male. As he stood up, Jaemin wrapped his arms around his waist and put his head over Yangyang's shoulder.

"I changed the sheets and everything," Jaemin said as he started to rock them from side to side. He watched as Yangyang texted Kun that he was on his way to pick up the boy.

Jaemin gave Yangyang one last kiss on the cheek before giving a fair well as he walked out the door. Yangyang made his way down and pulled his keys out of his pocket as he was approaching his car.


Yangyang parks the car in front of Kun's house and makes his way inside. The moment he steps inside, he noticed the out-of-character quietness that surrounded the house. Yangyang called out Kun's name then heard footsteps come from upstairs.

Kun came down the stairs quickly and smiled as he saw the young Chinese standing there. "Hi Yangyang, how are you?" He asked as he leads the other into the kitchen. "I'm fine but why did you suddenly ask us to keep someone at our house?" He asked as he was really curious. Usually, Kun would always love to have people staying at his house.

But Yangyang knew this situation was different when he saw the way Kun's eyes saddened. "Well, the boys' name is Renjun and he is trying to get away from someone currently. The person knows where I live and knows I know Renjun. I just think it would be better if he was to stay at your apartment."

Yangyang already feels bad for the boy and fallows to Kun once again as he is now lead upstairs. He watched as Kun went to one of his guest bedrooms and gently knocked on the door. "Renjun, the man I was talking about is here," Kun said out loud to the boy on the other side of the door.

Yangyang heard some shuffling on the other side of the door and then light footsteps before the door is opened to the most adorable boy Yangyang has ever seen. He had honey-blond hair and big round eyes that twinkled slightly in the light. He was wearing a sweatshirt that was way too big for him that Yangyang could recognize as Kuns and it only made the boy look smaller.

Yangyang is brought out of his trance as the other hesitantly approached Yangyang with Kun's help. He reached out his small hand and said, "I-I'm Renjun," in a small voice. Yangyang took the hand in his larger one and let a smile come onto his face as he introduced himself too, "hello, I'm Yangyang."

Now that the boy was closer, Yangyang noticed that he had a fading bruise on his cheek and his eyes were red like he had just been crying. He could feel a  sting in his chest at the sight of the bruise but says nothing so that the boy isn't uncomfortable.

"I'll bring your bag down to his car as you two talk," Kun said as he walked into the room and walked back out with a small duffle bag.

Renjun turned his attention back to Yangyang but looked away after they made eye contact. "Thank you for letting me stay with you, I'm sorry to be such a bother," he said as he nervously picked at a loose string on the red hoodie.

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